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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. Got a zedio from the bay very cheap and good build quality
  2. I don't know about the referees part on the new forms as they have changed it since I did it but just contact your feo regarding the open ticket or ask for it on your renewal not many people wait the first five years these days before they get theirs opened atb Roy
  3. apart from testing it when I got home its not allowed out of the cabinet until Christmas day.I have already bought extra magazine's and ordered bits off the Internet, watched loads of YouTube video on how to strip, clean and improve the action and a little voice in the back of my mind is saying "Why the f**k didn't you just walk out of the shop with the nice cz varmint just above it". Atb Roy
  4. I spoke to Richard and he advised me not to have it done he already has one of my air rifles in for repair and that's not going to get done till after Christmas
  5. A friend of mine uses Winchester subs in his 10/22 no problem I couldn't get more than two shots through mine without a jam. I will strip it to clean and check if I need to replace anything.
  6. It may say 17hmr moderator on your FAC but SAK are suitable for both calibres, I have just put a new one on my 10/22 and apart from the noise of the action cycling theres no much noise at all, the internal baffles of a SAK are aluminum and even after a few hundred rounds they get seriously crapped up, you have a few choices 1. take apart and clean yourself. 2. Send back to Jackson rifles they will refurb it for you. 3. Go to a gunshop and buy a new one. I use one on my HMR as well and its not too bad on that. atb Roy
  7. I have recently acquired a 10/22 target rifle on the shop owners advice i also bought some rws subs and some cci mini mags both of which cycle fine I did try some Winchester subs but they jammed every time. What are people putting through their semi auto's with good results atb Roy
  8. you had a good result then what ammo were you getting the best groups with
  9. Why? he did give me a technical reason which I didn't really take in i haven't even tried the gun out yet i will test it over Christmas and see how it performs
  10. I asked in my local gun shop he said he can do it but advised against it so I'm leaving it for the time being
  11. Thanks for the reply i will put the postcode in route finder when I'm on the computer later
  12. I am thinking about having 3 or 4 inches taken off the 10/22 can anyone recommend somebody near or within a hours drive of Bristol
  13. I thought you had to have it reproofed if the barrel has been chopped
  14. Can you get non expanding ammo for a hmr to use on ranges
  15. I had a mk1 and the only pellets i could get a grouping with was weirauch hft.
  16. As said the t20 is all you will need I use one on the Hmr and it can light up quarry past its range so will be more than adequate for a airifle
  17. Make sure you socialise it with your ferrets and I mean every day for the first year. They are clever little dog's but you have to put the work in and make sure it knows what's off limits.
  18. I solely hunt with my guns but have fancied some range time i live in Bristol but as of yet i am struggling to find a range where I can pay and play. The ones I have contacted have big waiting list and haven't been very helpful. Best of luck
  19. Deker you question my reasons for buying the 10/22 but earlier in the thread you admit to buying a magtech a copy of a mossberg plinkster?????
  20. Your choice and you get what you want, but the obvious question is........ Why? What do you want it for? Impulse buys are seldom a good thing! 10/22 target heavy barrel...sounds like it doesn't know what it wants to be...there are far better target guns and far better rabbit guns! ATB!
  21. I saw it and wanted it I didn't need it but the missus was pestering me about my Xmas present and this beats the shit out of the rubbish she usually gets me
  22. I have a sxs baikal .410 ejector not the gun your asking about but along the same lines. I didn't realise baikal did a under and over configuration. The one i have is my favourite shotgun I'm very accurate with it so it must fit right I put a sling on mine and it's just the job for mooching around the farm
  23. I went to the gunshop earlier to have a airleak sorted on a pcp and came out with a ruger 10/22 target heavy barrel, I hope it shoots as good as it looks.
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