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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. I had to have our staff pts last month, same thing riddled with cancer, its one of the hardest things I've ever done, remember the good times atb nasher1
  2. All the above is good advice but whats the pups recall like, I recently had a simaler experience with my 6 month bitch, it turned out she was in season but I went back to basics and did all the recall training and all the other stuff and shes getting a lot better now, dont forget you need to reinforce training all through your dogs life to get the best out of it atb nasher1
  3. I had a staff who nicked a whole pot of tuna off the kitchen side and about two hours later had a very messy backfire up the living room wall, so in my experience I wouldn't give em tuna
  4. Thanks for all the helpfull replies, it was just because she was in season now she is back to her usual self but I have stepped the training up agear as I had let it slip a little.
  5. I have stopped the kids messing around with her and her seasons finished, I have been walking her in different places and today she was back to her normal self, but I have been doing recall training with her again, I will see what happens when I take her to one of her familier walks tonight atb nasher1
  6. No saluki shes got whippet greyhound beddy and collie in her, I have just realised shes into her first season plus the kids are on holiday and have been messing about with her, I've told the kids to leave her alone and hopefully next week she will calm down
  7. I have a six month old lurcher bitch she was coming on really good sitting, staying retrieving a dummy or ball to hand, in short I thought I had a real good un then the begining of the week I took her out for her evening walk let her off of her lead and she wouldn't recall and if I walked up to her she runs away, tonight was the worst night as I didnt get her back on the lead and she chased a nieghbours cat and was at the front door when I got home, I havn't hit her at all I have tried to remain calm with her and I have owned a few dogs over the years so I wouldn't call myself a novice but she
  8. Yeah I found them spot on I ordered a scope off them before dinner one day and it was with me next morning
  9. I have 4 kids and I am finally getting married next june I cant remember the exact date just hope it dont clash with any of my hunting forays
  10. She never asked how much the s410 was, I didnt volunteer the information and at the moment I hope she doesnt find out. who am I kidding I dont give a toss the money her and my kids spunk on sh#t, if I had the spare cash I'd buy another one
  11. I tend to work longer hours and let the missus deal with em, but as I've cracked a rib I offered to look after em while she went to the shops with the oldest daughter for some retail therapy, I only had them a hour and decided to take them to the local park wher my 9 year old fell off the slider and broke her arm, the hospital visit certainly takes care of a few hours.
  12. We have dogs and cats together and they are fine, you usually find the dogs are only to willing to except the cats into the household and its normally the cats which take the time to adjust, we had a staffy bitch and a silver tabby who were best of mates and used to hunt together around the aviarys but the staff was absolutley lethal on strange cats.
  13. Looks like you had a good time and thats what its all about, personally I dont consider putting ferrets down holes till at least september thats when my ferreting and proper lamping starts, its hard to hold off till then I know my kids are pestering me to start already, took one of the older ones with me last season and she really enjoyed it. atb nasher1
  14. Yeah I'm gonna try mine tonight or sunday shes only 6 months but you can tell shes ready for a few slips.
  15. As a rule I find RWS Superdomes are sh*t in AA400/410s try some AAfields or mozzies and perhaps the barrel needs cleaning I had a similar experience with mine and gave the barrel a good pull through and was back to happy days.
  16. If you do find a good dog vet in bristol give me a shout as I really need to change mine atb nasher1
  17. I have never had a problem with it before, but it seems strange this is the first time I have had a problem with it and you hear so many stories of fake meds for people why wouldnt they fake frontline the price it is theres got to be money in it, also where do you get it online from as the vets in question were bought out last month by another company and the prices have gone through the roof.
  18. When I had the pup jabbed at eight weeks the vet gave me a free shot of frontline for her , used it and 8 weeks later she's got fleas and ticks so back to the vets and get more frontline for the whole pack about £70, I dosed em all that was 2 weeks ago, checked em over yesterday they have ticks again, so im going back to the vets on monday as im a bit pi**ed off, I just wondered if anyones had a similar experience with frontline or any other medication because I rekon this stuffs fake, another thing which is worrying me is my bull got a bit cut up a couple off weeks ago and I got some antibio
  19. rabbits, pigeons,ferals, crows basically any legal quarry which fills the scope
  20. my jill had nine their four weeks old tomorrow and all healthy but they are the smallest ones I've ever bred, they are at least a third smaller than a mates and his are a week younger.
  21. Got some creamy buff coloured ones on one of my shoots.
  22. I t may be down to range estimating I zeroed my gun in for 40 metres by mistake (in a rush read tape wrong) I started shooting rabbits at about 30 metres and it looked like the pellet was hitting home but in fact it was just clipping the top of the head resulting in a few runners the aim point was in fact one dot under, you hit em right and theyre dead.
  23. 8 month old lurcher x lab bitch jabbed up frontlined stands 24 tts at the moment, was kept in a flat as pet but got destructive, does basic obedience has done nothing, the owner is a friend of a friend who heard I might be able to home her I wanted her myself but the boss said a definate no she throws more to the lurcher side is very fast and has very good feet she will be free to the right person PM if your interested the dog is in bristol I want to put some pictures up of her how do you do it, got some on the phone I will send to anyone interested
  24. I shoot with a .22 and always have had them but when or if ever I have enough spare cash I am going to get a .177 because I do a lot of lamping and want the more forgiving trajectory, I take headshots on rabbits if I cant see the head I wouldnt bother, I rekon the chances of stopping a rabbit in the body with a sub 12 foot pounds rifle is about 1 in 5 possibly even lower.
  25. Go with the rabbit option make sure the guts are ripped open stick the decoy right next to it, I did this yesterday and they went mental for it I dont usually get a reaction like that and the only difference was the rabbit was a small one.
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