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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. Thats a bit steep I think you could knock £15-£20 off a slab and still get no.6s if you shop around
  2. Always so far away I would of had this for my kid all the best with the sale
  3. Its prob possible but you got much better chances with a gundog for the job. Id get a spaniel if I was the OP Yes but as he says in his original post he wants it to work alongside his lakey and ferrets on rabbits, if was purely for shooting I would go for a gundog but for what he wants it for I would go with the beddy/whippet but each to thier own atb nasher
  4. I know a chap who has a first cross beddy whippet and its used for picking up and roughshooting and its a brilliant little dog, so good infact I've just bought one to train up myself, obiously they are not all going to make the grade but then not all purpose bred gundogs do either, its a bit of a gamble but what the hell give it a go atb nasher
  5. You know a big part of the problem already, hitting and shaking her when she finally comes home, this is just my opinion mate but I think your the problem not the dog, better calm down go back to basics read a few books on the subject
  6. Here's my 1st cross beddy/whip pup 12 weeks old first walk out with the other dogs, the pictures aint that good I will try and get some better ones next time.
  7. I had two rabbits with the 12g, two feral pigeons with a .177 R10, and earlier this year I saw friend knock down three woodys with one cartridge as they were coming into land on a day I was having problems hitting one bird with three cartridges.
  8. I know someone who uses a beddywhippet as a gundog/picking up and by all accounts its very good at it
  9. did you get the dog from somerset by any chance, my brothers is the same age parents both full on workers and the pup is a complete head case too, bullies my 6mnth old pup and even tries it on with my jrt until she's put in her place hopefully she'll calm a bit over the next few months. Yes I did get the pup from somerset must be the same litter, clever little dog learning fast nearly house trained already but still running around like a nutter atb nasher
  10. I just bought a dog he's eleven weeks old monday, first cross, sire beddy dam whippet both parents are flat out working dogs, I have high hopes for him but he's an absolute maniac hes giving the other dogs hell, it was funny at first but its becoming hard work but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.
  11. A pointed pellet is apparently less balisticaly stable than a domed one so less accurate, but the AA hunters used to be more accurate in my S410 than fields so they gotta be worth a go
  12. every dogs different I've gotta bitza lurcher with no bull in it which smashes every rabbit its every caught, and a fella I know has a big bull-cross which brings em back live and unmarked to hand, I gotta admit it winds me up a bit but thats life
  13. I took a friend out tuesday night he wants to start lamping with his redtail hawk, I lit up a couple of rabbits and the bird never budged off the glove, then I slipped on the wet grass went ass over tit and landed on the battery which went under my ribs, the pain was unbelievable and I dont think i'll be out for a while
  14. I would put a working whippet or a grew over her, looks like theres enough collie in there at the mo
  15. Good luck with your sale I have one in .177 and its the most accurate pcp I have cant fault em atb nasher
  16. They work alright but only as a last resort
  17. I paid £14.50 for a box of ten as my larona wont take steel, missed the first duck hit the second then a rabbit ran accross my path shot it stone dead gave myself a pat on the back for a good shot then realised I had just shot a rabbit with a £1.45 cartrige
  18. I've got blitz & striker but prefer the striker
  19. Out with a fella and his dog on the lamp, dog was sh**e "well she's really a daytime dog". Out a couple of weeks later during the day for a mooch, dog was sh**e "well shes more of a lamping dog".
  20. At 23.5" and still a young dog I dont think youve got just a beddy/whippet but to answer your original post I wouldn,t go looking to chase longears with a beddywhippet preban of course there game little dogs alright but the exertion can take too much out of em and f**k the rest of your night up, best save em for what thier bred for rabbits atb nasher
  21. If you really have tried everthing else then try the collar I had to use it on a bitch of mine all it took was three zaps and shes been perfect ever since, but it still has to be the last resort, it was the first time ive had to use one to control a dog but she has got a screw loose
  22. Every dog is different, you can get most dogs up to a certain standard, if you are looking for the perfect animal then it might take up your whole life some dogs just have something missing, Ive got a bitch now whos defenitley got a few screws loose but she excells at a few things, how many pups have you had and why are they failiures please tell you have grabbed my interest
  23. I have a John Bowkett blueprinted .177 one and cant fault it but the first one was awful, so if you decide to take the plunge and buy one make sure you have the time to take it out and give it a extensive field test straight away, they can be excellent guns but a right headache if you get a bad'un
  24. Dont buy the nightblaster I bought one as a backup last year and there crap go for the ucaller or put a few more quids in and get a striker
  25. It was too hot to wear the jacket yesterday so was stood there in a camo t-shirt and face veil and stood very still against a hedge, none of the pigeons noticed me until it was too late, Its movment that spooks em
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