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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. Sorry I dont know what year it is I will try and find the lead to the camera and put some better pics on
  2. Larouna sxs blne 28" barrels 14.5" lop, chambered for 2 3/4" carts, spotless bores had the pins and springs replaced at christmas along with a service, tight on the face, £120 f2f based in Bristol. sorry pic isnt best but cant seem to get a decent pic with the phone camera, also would swap for a 3" chambered .410 atb nasher
  3. thanks for that I wonder why its not being advertised in the cmw
  4. As title says is there a Monmouth show this year as its not been mentioned in the countrymans atb nasher
  5. Spot on mate thanks for that I watched both the videos and think I will have a go myself, I dont think it will compete with my stihl s400 special but at £30 its gotta be worth a go, thanks for sharing the info im off to order the bits atb nasher
  6. I've got quite a big conviction which happened in 1997 and I got my sgc back two years ago, declare every legal run in you have had and dont try and hide anything, they will even bring up things like speed school if you forget to mention it on the application, the enquiry officer asked me what I wanted it for and I said vermin control, he asked me for landowner names and numbers and DID phone them up to check.
  7. Dog was given away at the bath & west show
  8. Sorry for your loss but it wont be the last its a simple fact thier gonna get smashed up thats why most blokes keep a few in the kennels to keep going through the season, if you can get through a season without a dog being knocked up you are incredibly lucky or your not showing the dog enough work, jump straight back on the horse and get yourself another pup asap
  9. 29tts capable of taking most of whatever any other dog can. good feet,coat,very intelligent. but very slow to mature and sensitive. bro 2 dais dog Never get tired of seeing this picture cracking dog
  10. All the best with the litter, from your original post the breeding is the same as the pup I had from you two years ago, she's turned out alright a very fast bitch and has started punching well above her own weight all the best with the pups they should make good workers in the right hands, heres a couple of pics of mine.
  11. The vets I use were bought out a year ago by a bigger company and the prices have gone up and up they really do take the piss, we had a terrier with tumours at the time of the takeover and the vet wanted £900+ to remove them, the missus started getting upset and the vet pulled the door closed and said he would do it on the old system as they hadn't updated it yet and did it for £345 all in. and in his words he said " I do this job because I like animals but the people who have taken this practice over are in it for greed". Unfortunatley the same company owns about 7 places in Bristol now so
  12. I use the 170 sriker just right for on top the gun good spot of light even with the red filter on, I didnt know lightforce did the blitz as a rifle mounted option, also get yourself a good fresh battery makes all the difference to brightness and burntime
  13. Thats cheap £190 or there abouts near Bristol where are you getting 6's for at that price
  14. Thats the only choke I use in mine and do alright with it, dont spend to much time worrying about chokes just enjoy your shooting
  15. get on fleabay type in 12v 18ah you will get a seller up called UPS, I bought a battery off of them £26 delivered, there all fresh stock take a full charge and will last for ages, I have bought two off of other companys and they have been sh*te and got a few off of other sources and they havn't been very fresh and havn't lasted long, you will get a few people on here to tell you to go to scrapyards and get them out the bins, if they got good batterys then good luck to them, but if your serious about lamping and want to stay out for a good amount of time and not for a half hour shine try what
  16. A .410 is ideal for trapped fox dispatch as its point blank you could use 2" carts for squirrel work you could step up to 3" magnums, but it also depends what other pests you have to deal with if its woodpigeons you cant beat a 12g, if you are going to get a sgc you might as well have both right tool for the job as they say, hope this helps atb nasher
  17. Just screw it back on hand tight mine was the same when I got it back from JB he told me to just tighten it back up and it hasn't caused a problem since
  18. Larouna 12g sxs 28" barrels choked at 3/4 and full chambered for 2 3/4 NE, lop 14.5" just had strikers and pins replaced and serviced, bores are spotless and action very tight good colour on the barrels, based in Bristol f2f only £140 no offers very good gun not your usual rattler.
  19. The bitch is mostly grey/whippet with a dash of collie/beddy and the pup is a first x beddywhippet
  20. Just thought I would post some pics of a couple of my dogs as the phones plugged into the computer
  21. 12 out of 14 sounds like a good dog and a good man on the lamp fair play to you I would be lucky to see 14 rabbits on a night where I go, atb nasher
  22. I bought two of the jumpstarters from maplins for twenty quid each they have a 12v 17ah battery in but they were crap must be old stock as they dont last any time.
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