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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. thanks but they have been sold out in that size for a while now, I might buy a size 2 if I cant find the size I want
  2. I'm after a 8mm lead ball mould for catty ammo they havn't got any on the bay and I fancy having a go at casting my own, if anyones got one for sale or knows where I can buy one please let me know thanks Roy
  3. Got there 5 mins late and missed three classes couldn't enter the pup, paid £5 to park which wasn't mentioned in the ad, so had a cup of tea and drove home wont be going again
  4. Is he a half x mate ? How tall is he , looks a little cracker Yes he is a first cross, he's nearly 21" tts his parents were proper grafters and he seems to get better every time I take him out
  5. Here's my 8 month old pup He's a clever little dog but he must be going through his teenage faze at the moment cause he's been a bit of a b***ard lately
  6. The bitch had the first jab today and will have the second one tommorow, you can have them done up to 41 days after the tie but the sooner the better, the vet I use normally wanted £70 a friend gave me the number to his vet and he did it for £35, so he's the one I'm gonna use from now on
  7. Thanks for the replys, vet just phoned two jabs £70 another day of graft for f**kall while the missus sat on her arse oblivious to the world around her
  8. Had a phonecall from the missus at 4 o'clock my beddy/whippet dog has tied with the staffy bitch, i'm waiting for the vet to get back to me with a price for the morning after jab for dogs but their ripoff b***ards, so I was wondering how much is reasonable I dont mind paying a bit over the odds just so its done and dusted, but if im going to get my pants pulled down I will have to shop around, and if I have to do that how long have I got. atb nasher
  9. I will have to get the pulsar back out and try again but I just could not get a decent image through it, I bought it because one of the reviewers said he had it on top of a hmr, the mk410 went straight on the rifle zeroed it in and started shooting rabbits. I remember now the pulsar I have is not as clear in monocular form as the mk410 so actually im not going to try again I will just put it down to having a bad one
  10. In what way was the add-on better than the 410 because I thought the add-on was terrible, however I am of the opinion the intensifier device of every gen1 device is of different quality in every unit, and I think you will get good and bad ones in every batch, a example being me and a friend bought the cheap NV monoculars from Lidl's a couple of years back his was useless mine was excellent. So all I can say is anybody who buys NV please try it out before you mount it on the gun just incase you want to send it back
  11. The x5 410 would be a good unit for your .22 for a gen1 it is really clear, as said before though you have to know your ranges, I have tried the add-on by pulsar and it is s**t in comparison a complete waste of money I thought it would be good to have a device to add on to my dayscope and carry on shooting what they seem to neglect to tell you is that you need a good parallex adjustable scope and the extra IR and even after all that it still is nowhere near as good as the 410, so from actual personal experience not opinion or stuff read off of other peoples posts I would recomend the Deben one
  12. For sale or swap I have a BSA R10 in .177 calibre it was blueprinted by John Bowkett after the first one I bought was junk, this gun was a direct replacement by BSA it has a VC silencer with it and everthing works as it should, I however dont like it and prefer my old webley raider, I would prefer a swap with another .177 multishot such as a HW100 or regged S410 but would sell it for £500 the gun is imaculate I have put camo tap on the buddy bottle and there is a small mark on the silencer where its been in the cabinet,based in Bristol F2F only. thanks for looking atb nasher
  13. My bitch is very hard mouthed when lamping, she isnt happy until every bone is crunched but daytime ferreting or mooching she's quite happy to bring them back alive.
  14. have you any pics? im after a bedlington/whippet myself All the best. SJB. heres one to at 8 months first cross
  15. have you ever thought of putting him over a greyhound? I dont own him otherwise he would have covered a greyhound but the whippet he was put to is a good working animal, this is one of the pups at 8 months sorry to go off topic, not hijacking your thread atb nasher
  16. This is the sire to my beddy/whippet a absolutley flat out worker not the best picture but he doesn't like staying still
  17. It was advertised in the CMW I will be having a look
  18. Here's my first x beddy/whippet at about 4 months and now at nearly 8 months
  19. Fair play to you looks like a job well done. atb nasher
  20. Finding a pup which is bred from genuine working lines is hard enough these days and by genuine I mean you know the Dam and Sire were actually doing the job they were bred for. But if you do get a pup from working parents it usually outshines a pup from none working stock, but obviously you might get the odd jem, you pays your money and takes your chance.
  21. I have a small alloy milbro style catty with a set of barnett bands forced over the top and I am spot on with this but at the falconary fair I treated myself to a fancy brass one which came with square section rubber, it goes through the holes and is cleated on the other side to hold it in place, however its wildly inaccurate and sprays balls in all directions, I think its down to the band fixing any ideas please atb nasher
  22. ATN Spartan 410 nightvision rifle scope brand new in box never been on a rifle as changed mind and bought a scope add-on, £475 plus postage selling on behalf of a friend with no internet access pm for his number
  23. I wanted a beddy/grey but after waiting nearly a year and still not hearing of any litters with the right sort of parents I went for a beddy/whip
  24. Them pups look crackers I like the white bitch, we will have to give them a go on the pig farm the back end of summer, lets hope they turn out as good as their Dam atb Roy
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