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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. I know someone who was having problems in a plantation, he got it ok'ed for 12g ssg at very short range but it was designated as pest control as they were doing so much damage
  2. I use the blitz coz my eyesights so bad i'm slightly colour blind as well so the more light the better, its for my benefit not the dogs after all all dogs have got better low light vision than us anyway
  3. You have both ends of the spectrum in your pup deerhounds can take ages to mature and click in and some whippets can start very early, but be patiant with her she will get there.
  4. All the best in finding the pup a good home, he looks a little cracker,its nice to see some well thought out pups for a change with clear breeding
  5. I would go for stoat or escaped ferret, it was probably trying to pull the bird through the arris fencing, better get it sorted though as it will come back for the chickens
  6. This is my first cross bedlington/whippet he's 7months in the pic, he's coming up to 12months now and leveled out at 21"tts I havnt done much with him yet just basic training but he's caught a few things on his own, hell of a nose on him and will push through any cover if theres something in there, comes from genuine working parents this is the sire a true working bedlington
  7. Here's my first cross at 7 months I will have to get some newer pics he's 201/2" tts can be a bit of a handfull and is definitley the boss of my other dogs
  8. My beddy/whip pup got tied to my staff bitch last month my usual vet wanted £70 I phoned around and got it for £30, its two injections 24 hours apart, the injections are very big and its a viscous oily liquid so very uncomfortable for the bitch. atb nasher
  9. Here's one to get you started this is my first cross dog at about seveneight months old
  10. well they say poodle was added to the bedlington so who knows they might work Surely not, fell, lakeland or chow for a real beddy
  11. I wanted some flappers and as I had some money in the paypal account I bought them off the bay I saw a company called sporting agent AKA A1 Decoy shooting shop they do all the game fairs and I have bought stuff off of them before which has been alright, anyway I purchased two ultimate pigeon flappers from them, however they are to put it bluntly rubbish a very low quality item, I emailed the seller who urged me to try them out first I did and one of them broke I have emailed the seller again but a week later and no reply, they are based in Bristol so please beware, as I said before I have boug
  12. That Topper gets everywhere with his real bedlingtons
  13. I got the bands today so here's the finished article I have tried a few shots with it and its bang on, I find these so much more accurate than the milbro types or the crap widow variety. I've been using the one at the top for a while now and with the 11mm lead ball its deadly I have took quite a bit with it. atb nasher
  14. Me and a friend bought one each about 3-4 months ago been giving them a bit of a hammering and they havn't missed a beat, love the thing fits a treat and I'm hitting a lot more with it than my old sxs
  15. I twisted my ankle badly yesterday, and as I'm already bored I thought I would have a go at turning this chunk of tree into a catapult. Right out with the penknife Still got all my fingers now for the tricky bits Just waiting for the theraband to arrive in the post and I'm done. atb nasher
  16. Good show last year, I will be having a look
  17. My best place was heaving with rabbits until a month ago then mixi reared its ugly head and bang its been wiped out, the thing is this place is isolated from other populations and hasnt been affected for the last 4 or 5 years so somebody must have dropped it in, the thing is other lads drop in with thier dogs now and again as they do, such is life but if you go to a place which has mixi and pick up a few with your dogs and then move on to a place which is clear, you can basically f**k your own sport up, while im aware that rabbit fleas wont live on a dog they dont mind a free ride till they fi
  18. I have quite a few different brands of .177 from when I was trying to find the right pellet for mine, tell AJ to go to Roys place and I will sort you out with some to try out.
  19. I recieved mould in post yesterday, thanks Bush wacker atb Roy
  20. Heres a pic of my first cross at about 7 months
  21. The add seems to have dissapeared and there was a warning on it yesterday from the mods that it could have been HUNTER1989 so best left alone me thinks
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