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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. A big thankyou to Luke aka bullmastiff who invited me down for a days ferreting which didnt go quite as planned, so we had a mooch about with the dogs, here's a couple of pics I didnt really get any good ones as I prefer watching the dogs than feffin about with the camera.
  2. This is my first cross only young but just keeps getting better
  3. I think you are giving it too much credit I couldn't bring myself to pay for the stamp still gutted I bought it in the first place
  4. Have you read all the book yet, I found it torture also if you sign up to his website you will get daily updates about his every move
  5. Cracking little dog, you will be suprised what she will be capable of when she gets older I have a 14 month old first cross who has balls of steel atb nasher
  6. All the best with finding good homes for you pups, your working/pet dogs have probably seen more work than a lot of the so called workers on here. atb nasher
  7. Should be fine for lamping rabbits and ferreting, mine sticks to rabbits like a rash
  8. I I agree with you cant beat watching a good chase and these days I carry a shotgun with a sling just incase I have to shoot a fox for the dogs to retrieve but it does the sport no good knocking a chap going about his buisness on his permission.
  9. Five rabbits around Bristol is two nights lamping at the moment
  10. I like a good book but this isn't one save your money, unless you like reading repetative drivel, then waste £16 like I did
  11. R10 sold to remmy223, good chap to deal with I hope you enjoy the gun.
  12. Thr GBH 12 years ago you might of got away with (I did only just), but as you have recurring offences of the same type I would say you have no chance till you have ten years clear, to show a change in your behavior, but as said before ask the FEO, and dont forget if you do apply and get rejected you get a refund.
  13. Mine will go into any cover if there's something in there, and if its a red he will throw a deaf un, he is quite fast for a first cross but can turn on a sixpence and soon as rabbits start to turn he's on em like a rash
  14. It's a late MK1 but as its blueprinted it makes no difference
  15. I know I dont want to let it go but its shiny toy syndrome, I never use the thing as I'm not doing much shooting at the mo and prefer to spend time working the dogs
  16. I have a JB blueprinted .177 R10 for sale it comes with a VC silencer and a tasco 6-24x50 scope it is imaculate as im not useing it and thats the reason for the sale I cant justify having this gun just sat in the cabinet f2f only looking for £450. I also have a Laurona 12g sxs 28" barrels cant remember the chokes 3/4 & full I think, its a none ejector but I had the springs, pins and tightened up last winter and I've used it once just to check it this gun will last for years lets say £ I,m based in Bristol, atb nasher
  17. As above the FAO really wont like it in the garage he will want it in the house
  18. Anyone considering using a shotgun on deer must make sure they are in a lawfull position to do so, for example for last resort pest control where usual methods cannot be used and you have tried all other methods beforehand, as stated there is a minimum shot size and apart from humane dispatch there will be very few situations where you can meet the pest control conditions criterea. So to sum it up if you still think you need to use a shotgun on deer please contact the relevant legal bodies and ask them the question because if you rely on stuff written on internet forums you will come unstuck.
  19. My places have been totalled, lucky to see 2 rabbits for 4 hours walking, one place has gone completly barren could be my worse season yet
  20. He asked his FAO who he could quote if the need arose, SSG is bigger than AAA and in the end he didn't go through with it as other methods presented themselves
  21. As we are meant to on the subject of lamps here, I went out last night and tried the 240 head and the 170 head and there seems to be a lot less spill on the 170 so in effect I can see more in the spot of the 170 than the 240 has anyone else found this
  22. I wish I could have a night as bad as that, a few inconveniences, dogs uninjured and 36 rabbits poor you i'm sure you will recover, and before anyone jumps down my throat i'm only joking and a bit green eyed glad you had a good night atb nasher
  23. Yeah all my places been wiped out its been very bad this year, got a 12 month old dog to start as well looks like the only thing he will be chasing is his tail
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