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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. As said before just put the year down, and be completely honest dont miss anything out including speed school instead of points, if you are totally upfront with them and your convictions convictions were fairly minor (no prison time). they should give you what you want atb nasher
  2. Cracking pup dont be in too much of a rush to get it started. heres mine when he was about seven months old, he's about 16 months old now I will try and get some newer pics of him later but wouldn't be without him now, brilliant nose on him will push into any cover if there is something there and very loyal, all the best with your pup as always the more you put in the more you get back atb nasher.
  3. Looks really nice I fancy a dog of this breeding in the future, atb finding him a new home.
  4. which way round is she bred was it a bull bitch to a whippet dog, i'm interested as I have a litter of a simaler breeding due next month, I like the look of your bitch how old and tall is she atb nasher
  5. A friend of mine has a black sinthetic one in 28" he would swap barrels for a 26" as he has been after a set for a while pm me if its something you would consider atb nasher
  6. Because if they all ran the same speed there would be no point in f**king racing them.
  7. Seems like the old vet did know what he was on about, nobody wants to get taken but to be honest if it was a 100 quid for a pup I wouldn't crib about it.......small price to pay, it always makes me laugh when folk crib at medical expenses for their dogs! There's any easy answer, don't have a dog if you don't want to pay what it costs........simple really Yes you are right of course and all my dogs need castrating and all my bitches need spaying and they are justified charging £70 for the initial vacs when the other vet using the same vacs can do it for £30. I've never let my animals down
  8. I believe worker to worker gives you a better chance, but dogs are as individual as people so even in working litters you will get dogs which are absolute retards, and in pet bred litters sometimes you can get some outstanding dogs, you pays your money and takes your chance. Dont forget even if your chosen pup is pet bred you probably wont have to go back very far to working ancestors. atb nasher
  9. For years I thought my wife had tourettes. but apparently I am a c*nt and she really does want me to f*ck off.

  10. The Muck boots I have are crap, you have to be carefull not to snag them or their f**ked also all the edges are rounded so if you start slipping your not stopping, did it last year and landed on the battery cracked me ribs, slipped over loads of times with em, missus says its the best £60 she ever spent
  11. There was a chap selling one on here last week in south wales, I fancied it myself but got enough dogs at the moment have a look through the for sale section and give him a call.
  12. I would have thought as long as they go in and you can lock the door its ok, but if my memory serves me right my feo counted the guns and made a note of the cabinet capacities, so I would say in my neck of the woods 7 gun cabinet means 7 atb nasher
  13. I cant believe no ones snapped this up I was looking for one of these for ages had to settle on a beddy/whip in the end atb with finding a home for the pup
  14. Great pictures looks like you've had some fun
  15. My two lurchers dont bat an eyelid when having treatment, but the bull terrier is a nightmare its a full on wrestling match
  16. I feed a lot of carcass to my dogs but allways make sure they are alone as I think another dog adds competition and they are more inclinded to try and wolf it down, also £22 at a vets was a bargain I dont think my vet would even say hello for that, atb nasher.
  17. I shoot but not very much anymore I would rather run the dogs any day but I sometimes take a gun with me incase I have to shoot bigger stuff for the dogs to retrieve, I still enjoy pest control around farm buildings with the air rifle but rarely get time anymore atb nasher.
  18. Wow 5 keepers out on christmas day just to save a hare, they must have been filming you with their xmas prezzie I got a few books for xmas not what I wanted as their all fiction
  19. No didnt manage to get any decent pics took about a dozen photos and these were the only two worth putting on
  20. Very surprised how well Tess ran and smashed through cover thanks again for the invite. atb nasher
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