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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. I've had problems for the last couple of days since the numpty hacked the site I still cant upload photos
  2. Since the hunting ban came about fox shooting has now become a sport in itself the number of applications and variations for CF calibres for foxing has rocketed, a chap who shares one of my permissions has just put in for a .222cf not that foxes are a problem on this land or he's been asked to by the farmer its just that he fancies shooting some foxes, I personally am not keen on this but at the end of the day he's legally within his rights to do it and I would support his right to do it rather than tap another nail in the fieldsports coffin. atb nasher
  3. will not let me upload photos at the moment server error or something anyone else having problems
  4. Due to being let down by a couple of people I have two brindle bitch pups for sale they will be 7 weeks old tuesday this was a accidental mating see my previous posts pups panacured at 2 & 5 weeks very forward big pups the dam is basically a pet not going to kid anyone she was a very slow starter but has turned into a proper staff good with most other dogs but can have her moments, the sire is only 19 months old but is showing great promise self entered at 9 months comes from grafting parents from a chap in taunton other people on this forum bought pups from same litter and know the score,
  5. Fair comment and given the chance she would of had the morning after jab but we dont live in a perfect world and sh*t happens, one of the pups was homed as soon as the chap knew there was a pregnancy based on the sires working ability and the stock he came from, he said he would of tried one regardless of what the dog had covered, they might turn out handy little dogs I apprecciate what your saying about reds people who know the game will know when a red is in its stride on open ground this wont be the cross for it, but I think the people who are having these pups know what the crack is and wi
  6. darker brindle bitch I think all will be broken coated but the smallest bitch will be very rough atb nasher
  7. Just a quick update on pupsBaz a beast of a pup 4kg at 5weeks family favourite and smallest bitch will be just like a beddy/whip I think
  8. Mines spot on never misses a beat cycles everthing and I shoot quite well with it, hope you enjoy yours atb nasher
  9. 25.5"tts big enough for rabbits flippin eck they must be big rabbits around your way, nice looking bitch atb with her
  10. what about a beddy/whip cross staff I might have a spare bitch pup PM me if you want
  11. This is highly poisonous to dogs the way this would work is it could result in the death of the dog so no more licking, you could try some essence of Susan Boyles fanny, nothings ever going to lick that. Only joking I hope you get it sorted atb nasher
  12. This sounds a good idea I would stay away from the muzzle idea though
  13. Might have been a one off, I know it was quite stressful at the time and caught you off gaurd but carry on as normal even best mates sometimes have scraps, gets a few things off their chests dogs arnt much different really, dogs do scrap with bitches, dont go jumping into something you regret later, I have a first cross beddy/whip dog sounds just like yours, missus loves him to bits can get quite jelous though, hope it works out for you and you find a solution atb nasher
  14. Cracking read and well wrote, you could have sent this into the CMW their articles have been hard work lately but this was a pleasure to read. atb nasher PS welcome to the forum
  15. That is a smart looking dog atb with the sale
  16. Heres my first cross keen as mustard
  17. Only joking lets see a picture of him, how olds he whats he like, put some more info up atb nasher
  18. The bloke is only asking for advice, oh and dont forget to leave a hole in the packaging for him to breathe through
  19. You missed the bloke out running behing screaming "FENTON" Saying that you missed at least 50% of the action anyway
  20. What age and size is she, looks just like my first x beddy whippet atb nasher
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