Me and Bristol Tim visited a soon to be closed pig farm today for a quick go at some rats, took one of my daughter's along for her first ratting trip (well was her birthday). She was meant to be on the video camera but got stuck in with the rest of us so you will have to make do with the group photos
. The rats were reluctant to bolt to the smoker either that or my every type of oil in the workshop mix was killing them underground. So it was down to moving everything manually we covered up a fair few bodies moving the stuff about, the farmer gave us a hand with a forklift on some pallets, I
I cant seem to find what they exactly cover? there is a brief over-lay but no detailed explanation. Do you know what they cover or where it is I can find it?
This is the letter which came with my membership, it clearly shows whats covered, even covers lurcher & terrierwork atb nasher
I never contact the police I do a lot of spur of the moment hunting lots of it lamping at unsocial hours, I carry my permission slips with me just to be safe but if you have permission you have nothing to worry about, the more people contact the police to inform them their going out it wont be long before plod think its law and inforce off their own back
As said before spend time getting the bond with the dog it sounds like your trying to run before you can walk, get the dog comfortable with you before you even consider taking it out in the field, not all whippets or other dogs for that matter are game from a early age all dogs are different not all dogs make the grade but you have to put some time into the animal, nothing ventured nothing gained atb nasher
This is a friends dog sold to him as a first cross saluki whippet about 25" tts at moment very fast bitch, showing a lot of promise.
just a couple more took while out on a walk about today
Probably a new inspector playing god again. Tell him to join SACS and take them to court.
Thats probably it they have just had a major shuffle round in the firearms dept, he has asked for it in writing why they refused him and yes it is going to court
A friend of mine is having major problems getting a .243 put on his ticket, he's had a open ticket for over 10 years he already has .223 cf on said ticket along with some other calibres, years ago he had .243 and .308 on his ticket for targets, he's been involved in shooting and fieldsports for over 45 years. Put in for the variation Avon and Somerset says NO. Bit of a puzzler this one
Dont be hard on the chap, reminds me I must do a write-up of when my beddy/whip got out on a night put Bristol zoo's elephant breeding program back years and totally f**ked up the catflap
I think in the late 70's early 's pelts were worth about £15 so if you had a good dog at it you could make a few quid also the transistion was being made from hunting for the pot to hunting for a bit of profit, knocking deer and fox over put more shillings in the pocket than the humble coney
No chance it could be handy, a friend of mine has a 8 month old pup which he can stop and it returns straight away but its not killing yet, I wonder if he will get the same result when its nobbled a few I doubt it atb nasher
These were the other two in the litter we have homes for the dog was a absolute beast and the long coated bitch which is the smallest, they are all healthy pups I know they were a accident but no expense was spared and I think a good start makes all the difference. atb nasheer
Good temprement usual staff really good with people and kids good with most other dogs but can have her moments doesnt want to back down when she starts but tbh thats the breed.
A friend and I were back to back 30 yards apart on a pigeon flightline I took a fast bird flying straight at me killed it stoners and it hit my mate full on in the back of the head
I'm the same doh, just tried, thought it was OK but just get the message "This upload failed"
Cheers, D.
I'm getting the same response, thats a small relief I thought my computer might be playing up as well.