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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. Looking forward to this its going to be a good weekend this one saturday and the Bristol T& L on sunday
  2. If You cut 4" off the barrel the power will drop, more so on a .177 than .22 you would have to have the gun retuned to take the power back up and yes you would definatley get less shots per fill.
  3. Nice pups but if one of the parents was 23" tts thats a bit too big for a beddy whippet maybe a bedd/grey, very nice pups though
  4. They can make excellent ratting dogs and get stuck right in.
  5. First cross sire was beddy dam whippet, surprisingly quick for a first cross and very fast on the turn
  6. . Took to it like a duck to water, killed loads
  7. I am hoping to get a mate who knows what he's doing with computers to put it all on one dvd the first half hour was done on a camcorder and the second bit was done on a phone but the quality is good, we are going again in the week so watch this space.
  8. I watched the first half hour disc, Archie got stuck in more than I realised what did you think BT
  9. They was big angry rats those pig pellets must push the size up a bit. I have managed to turn the mobile footage into a DVD now so I will burn you one off Tim, I would like to get all the footage on one disc but its a bit beyond me.
  10. And this pic just cause I like it
  11. We went back today, didn't need the smoker just moved the feed bins away from the walls, the place was alive with rats, the shed was like a oven so only managed about a hour and killed 44 rats, the dogs would have carried on but started to blow a bit in the heat and as we are going to hit it a couple more times this week we didn't want to overdue it, had a chap there this time with a video camera and got some good footage of the dogs working, how do I get this on the site, heres the group photo
  12. They sound too good to be true £48 for a 2m door panel, has anyone bought from them I got mine from the bay two for £150 i think that was doghealth really good panels, was a bit gutted when I saw the price in cmw but if its snide then perhaps it was a lucky escape
  13. I tried signing on a few years back when the building trade went tits up, left it as long as possible tried every avenue for work left it too long really until I was skint, they basically told me to f*ck off as it was the winter and the normal cycle for builders to have no work at that time of the year, luckily I got a start on site then started getting snotty phone calls from benefits office saying I had to go into their office to sign off and fill in more forms, so with great plesure I told them to do one, they still pestered me for a couple of weeks.
  14. I have a small litter born in the week you can have when their ready and im based in Bristol
  15. If you have a appropriate calibre ie. .243 or above it is on your cert as a deer calibre, you can see your intended target without artificial light and at the moment if its a buck shoot it, if you cant meet these requirements leave em be.
  16. As said in original post I have already made my mind up and im not going to breed her this time, got enough dogs as it is, in a few years time if I need a pup I might consider it
  17. Right then chaps I have made my mind up already but would like some opinions from you lot, I have a lurcher bitch about 3 and half years old, she has just come into season but this is only her second season and I dont know if and when she will come in again, I would like a pup out of her but not yet so do I take a chance and wait, the things to consider are A. will she have another season. B. will she make it to her next season because in the winter months she will be out at least three times a week and she is a do or die merchant takes anything with fur on, and as a consequence can and has go
  18. No if you read his post properly I think he's got his point right.
  19. I have both and now only use the 170 the beam seems better and if you go out on a really windy night the blitz can be a pain
  20. He's 21"tts and quite rapid so not to bad on the lamp
  21. He's nice is that a first cross
  22. Spot on, thats a nice healthy looking litter of pups atb nasher
  23. I've been informed by PM if I name him " Super Motherf***ing Archie" he will sort and retreive da big reds as well, this site is the fountain of all knowledge however did I manage before.
  24. Hard to get a decent pic of him thought this might of been the one but bit soft round the edges, my first cross beddy/whippet names Archie but im gonna rename him Super Archie to see if it improves his working ability
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