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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. Yes thats the one I bought from china the T6 is a good torch when you zoom it in you get a tight square of light and it goes out some distance.
  2. Just got a 1800 lumen zoomable from china, amazed at it fits in the pocket and you can lamp with it
  3. Wash the wound out thoroughley with antiseptic wash, also make sure your hands are sanitised, push the wound together and staple they only just punture the skin and 9 out of 10 dogs wont even flinch, leave them in ten days then take them out with a proper remover, if the wound is in a place where the dog can bite at it put a buster collar on it, if its just a nick from wire or something else in the field I dont usually bother with antibiotics if its from tooth or claw I would use antibiotics. hope this helps
  4. Mine yaps quite loudly when hes in the thick of it when hes got hes jaws clamped firmly on his quarry in the middle of the scuffle I cant quite work out how he does it, but not a peep on the chase.
  5. Only about half hour in the end, was a good day
  6. Stuck in traffic on way in only 8:30 be prepared to be sat in your cars for a while its gonna be stacked
  7. A bitch I got did 7 on the bounce on a golf course, I thought that was good only one was a squatter the rest were flaaat out
  8. Here's Sid from the same litter all shaping up nicely good solid pups
  9. I went with a couple of my kids and they enjoyed it, you have to do Frampton with the right frame of mind its a country fair and not a country sports fair, if its a nice day its worth a walk around, its got f*ck all there for the shooters and very little for dog people but it still beats doing DIY or some other mundane task so if its sunny next year when its on I will go again, plus the midlands on next week
  10. Is that the litter from Poole, broken coated dam black and tan sire
  11. This is a easy one cut a 6 inch round hole in a 8 foot scaffold plank place over dogs head. I assure you he wont be able to get to ground alternatively give him to someone else who does the work the dog so obiously wants to do atb nasher
  12. The dog on the left whats in him and how old is he
  13. I took some pics of Tims pup earlier I think you kept the wrong pup Alli. Sid or "Sid Vicious" as he's now called is a little headcase I took a brush with me and as soon as he saw it he latched on and wouldn't let go a proper old school terrier brought back a few memories I can tell you. I offered to buy the pup but no chance, fair play to you Alli the pup is a real credit to you its good to see some people are still breeding the real stuff.
  14. I saw Tims pup earlier its a nice solid type I will get a pic and put it on tomorrow evening, they look nice pups Alli all the best with them.
  15. Not good rabbit numbers on my places again this year, lots of bigger stuff but all the ground takes a hammering all year round so its not surprising really
  16. Looks like no expense was spared on that pup just how it should be done all the best finding it a home
  17. About two weeks ago a friend of mine had his 7month old lurcher pup stolen from his van in the st werburghs area it was a fawn coloured bitch no pics but looked like Scooby, he reported it to the relevant people but no luck, today I was in a local pet shop and a women had a poster for doglost her lurcher was stolen from Almondsbury BS32 Area 24/8/12 it is a black and white collie cross bitch black body black ears white face,socks and flash on chest, The thieves made off in a white Nissan Forester Reg. S814 EAC. The chap in the petshop said there has been a big increase in lurcher and terrier t
  18. Quite happy to travel for the game and some of my land is quite a drive, wasn't really moaning about the numbers remenising really, i'm happy as I am really as long as I get out and the dogs see something thats good enough for me.
  19. Fair play to you lot if you got the numbers on the land I can expect a four hour walk for half a dozen runs its been like that for years now by me, the last time I flicked the lamp on and it looked like the ground was moving is just a distant memory now
  20. If he is guilty of this forget all the talk of torture just quickly execute him and be done with it.
  21. I have to sort some pigeons out tommorow and although I do a lot of pest control for this farmer the fields he wants me to do are close to a main road, I believe the field with all the pigeons on is about 300-400 yards deep, now I believe lead has a range of about 300 yards but I shoot almost exclusively with steel 32g no4 and get on very well with it but what is the safe range with it, the laws of physics would suggest it wont travel as far as steel but does anybody on here know some actual figures, any feedback would be appreciated.
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