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darrell jnr

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Everything posted by darrell jnr

  1. good do fella,s, that bitch certainly looks big but then again big coat belies what s underneath eh,nice result the bitch stuck to her game,job done ...nice one lads an well done the dogs....fair play...yis..darrell.
  2. hope you get the dog back rapidly fella,wankers are,nt they!these people need retribution then they may think twice eh....atb...darrell.
  3. best feeling in the world when that happens fella isnt it,all the hard graft you and the dog have put in suddenly all slots into place,i had same kind of experiance last week but with me terrier to ground,she,s had quick bolts before but this was a vixen bolted after an hour, then when bitch never appeared after fox i knew she was into another!!the dog fox was accounted humanely as was the vixen ..made my day too fella,pleased for you mate..yis...darrell.
  4. hi there and welcome to the site,excellent pictures too mate, nice harris hawk she,s a beauty is,nt she....tried to pair up my friends red tailed hawks this year,they bonded but think it,ll be next year we,ll see any results...got let down on a female harris not too long ago so am still waiting to find something decent(harris)to get me back into swing of things a i,ve not kept a bird for the last couple yrs now due to one set of circumstances or another...well mate hope to see more of your posts....atb....darrell.
  5. keep them both fella,if not send one down south to my good self, any one of the two lol....whatever you decide atb in the future with them .....yis...darrell.
  6. well done fella, decent coon by the looks, atb for the season...dogs look fine too as does your pals russell and patterdale)yis...darrell.
  7. you certainly seem to be getting some decent work for your dogs there FTB good on ya fella,keep at it and dont get disheartend at the smarmy comments fella....atb...darrell.ps i remember commemting on one of your posts recently think i may have had few too many sherbets if i said anythingout of turn then aplologies fella...yis...darrell.
  8. good post fella,felt like i was there with ye,if only eh.....as has been said keep the bitch at her game now fella....sounds like shes going to be a good un....well done....darrell.
  9. FTB...if a lot of your pals have b+f ,s gathering dust i,d bet theyre not digging much eh along with the other 90% of people on here...as you say...and if they are gathering dust they might want to sell them, just a thought eh fella...atb...darrell.
  10. hi hannah..i live on the island and go out regular with the local hunt...pm me and i,ll give you my mobile,when you get here text or bell me and i,ll sort you out ..yis...darrell.
  11. hi fella would be interested in your fox nets...would like to see some pics tooo....cheers mate.....atb..darrell.
  12. Ffs goldy mate whats happened fella,your not knocking the lot on the head are you mate???????????????????hope you and yours are well...Darrell.
  13. not a nice feeling mate to lose a good un ....RIP..jake.chin up Dabchick..yis.darrell.
  14. Absolute beauts them Bluecollar fella,dont own bull breeds but do appreciate it when i see such fine examples mate....credit to you and your pals....yis..Darrell.
  15. bloody good with the camera Hannah ,well done ...alvb...Darrell.
  16. absolute cracking pair of pups you got there fella,just out of interest whats the brither to your black pup like?any pics of him mate....all the best for this coming winter fella....yis..darrell..
  17. hi mushray...i land spot on the dogs head too fella,well most times lol....the deben s work well for me mate,not to say i would,nt go down the bellman and flint route one of these days,just not now as circumstances wont allow unfortunatley...so long as am out digging to my dogs then i dont mind what locator am using so long as it does the job that is....YIS darrell.
  18. hi steve,at the time i ordered a set of couplers and the collar he made me for the grey plastic box,off hand i think it cost s omething like £12 for it mate maybe touch more ,cant remember mate but am still using it now nearly 2yr later and had some stick too...lot cheaper than the bellman gear,plus you,d still have to get it fixed to the collar....strong stuff all the way steve well woth the money in my opinion...atb...darrell.
  19. i have the little grey box thing too that your on about fella,i got in touch with strong stuff off here (who makes the collars) he made me a collar with a pouch for the box...good as gold mate......the grey box pops into the pouch which is fastened with a velcro strap if ya see what i mean.....have had no bother with it at all...hope that helps...yis.darrell.
  20. Very nice pup there fella,all the best for the future with the little tyke...yis..darrell.
  21. few years ago was out lamping foxes at the back of parkhurst prison,was squaeking ina reluctant vixen (what it turned out to be)dog nailed the fox(pre ban)when lights came on all over the place,fella,s in uniform dozens of them,after i,d recovered my composure,i thought bit much for bit of poaching eh.turns out 3 cat a prisoners had escaped,hence all the activity..couldnt beleive the amount of bodies everywere....they werent interested in me,another time then yes ,nicked for sure,goes without saying gave the place amiss for a good few seasons...yis...darrell.
  22. good team you have there fella,no what you mean by kennel blindness ?no afew with it lol.still it ,s nice to have lookers that can also do the job well...atb...darrell.
  23. cracking,healthy looking lakies them fella, atb for the future with them....darrell.
  24. sorry to hear that fella,spend plenty of time with the bitch ,lots tlc...times a great healer...atb..darrell.
  25. some cracking russells on this thread lads,fair play lads...keep em working doing what they,re bred for....atb...darrell.
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