was out today with my two terriers first earth tried held dog and a vixen ..both were let run for another day..dog fox first but he stayed more or less until i dug the vixen even to the point of actually sniffing the hole he,d bolted from..a loyal dog fox to his vixen..had good dig to the vixen with my black bitch.the dog fox bolted within 5 mins of her being to ground,what amazed me was it sticking around so close to the action????
fair pay lads ,i,d rest the young ones up for bit now then get em back out again it,ll come with experience.all the best and good hunting rough coated..
who ,s looking after these new dogs while your in london???would of thought you,d be bonding with ya new dog,s.............................?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
bloody good day out there mate..most of us lads would give our right arm for a day like that ..(bit extreme but ya know what i mean lol) excellent..darrell.