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Everything posted by ellir0305

  1. i pieced together a design from various threads i'll try and upload the pics bear with me ok the pics are too big any ideas how i can get them to work??? well the trap is 7x7x21 inches withy and internal door and a drop bar locking system hopefully get the pics up soon
  2. Cheers guys i should have some samples coming soon really looking forward to it Tight wires rob
  3. Hi Rob, Read all the pinned articles at the top of the page, and that should help you. NB 9 1/2" is overall length of the tealer. Soak up the information that is available on this site. It is the best advice you'll ever get about snaring. Snareman is a master, Woodga, Peg and gun, all these men have put down real information for snarers. Appreciate what is here, you have no idea how much this info means. For the first time ever, you can make good kills of rabbits. Fill your boots, ian. thanks mate but i might be missing something just a little confused all sorted nmow thanks. r
  4. What is real difference between the shop bought snares from for example mole valley and the professional one spun by woodga, snareman etc. i want to know if it is worth forking out as i am just getting started. Thanks for all the help so far guys rob
  5. Are the dimensions of the tealer for rabbit snares 9.5 inchers from end to end or from the flat of the number 4 shape. and what are the dimensions of the triangle that goes into the ground? THanks Rob :wacko:
  6. nope i dont think so. they are well fed and lazy and i dont think tyhey would eat all of those guts :sick:
  7. how wud i dispatch a fox i only have an airgun?
  8. ok thanks can you set fox snares like pegs with tealers but just bigger and with a steel fox snare instead of a brass rabbit one
  9. will these not catch the dogs that roam around and wont they put the rabbits off?
  10. if it was pegged snares they were set to low, now kill the fox , and the rabbits wil be yours thanks mate What wwould be the best way to kill the fox it is close to the farm and dogs roam around so snaring is risky
  11. i have set out 10 snares the way glenn waters says and after a few nights of moves snares and a bit of fine tuning last night i caught my first rabbit but by the time i got there this morning all the was left was a poorly butchered carcass. what can i do to stop this? and the snare caught the rabbit just behind its front legs thisc isnt normal what am i doing wrong?
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