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Everything posted by ellir0305

  1. yeah, wouldnt be a bad life would it, from that job i was also offered therir hedge cutting, £100 a day! they must be stupid or rich but if i were you id say say and keep the jobs coming. good job on the maggies but mine have been ilusive so far
  2. cheers i think i will, so do they sell them in all the 'big' tesco stores? and whats the best way to fix them to the gun, i have seen deben tracer mounts and a plastic clip and velco strap one? what do you recommend to finish of the budget outfit other than a remote switch
  3. squeeze the two arms of the srings together with one hand , flick on the safety catch and then bring the two square shapd jaws together with the other hand its simple and its only a 116 so you should be fine
  4. does anybody know what lumens output the tesco torch is?
  5. The thing is, with the Tesco one you know it works all be it 8 pence more expensive. Just nip down to your local Tesco market and have a look. It'll get you out in the sun if nothing else. ATB Michael my nearest largev tesco is 10+ miles away but when im next passing by i will look in
  6. That is just a sarnie that some kid has thrown over the fence and he has had no time to clear it up yet. ATB Michael for legal reasons its a child sandwich but if a child where near my garden i would be confused as i am out in the sticks lol
  7. i have had a look on tescos website and the only ones i can find use Dcells is this right i remember someone mentioning the AA version due to its lightness. i was thinking of maybe using that ebay one as its cheaper than people have said they paid for the tesco one.
  8. and a couple more, so time will tell
  9. i know this should probably start with me killing a maggie but due to my recent, well complete failure with a botched larsen trap and the ever increasing number of maggies which have already killed several chicks in my garden, i am on a mission to thin them out a bit. so heres a few pics of mission HQ and hopefully i might get one or two
  10. Yep but isnt a C cell torch rather heavy? if not has anyone got a link?
  11. after looking at some very big words on torch forums i decided to ask here, i have used lamps at 500,000 camdle power and they shine up a rabbit at a good 200 yrds but for airgunning you only really need something that will shine/startle at 50yrds so you cvan then get closer and take a shot. so after looking at the tesco lamps and cree torches on ebay chucking out say 150-200 lumens, what kind of power do you think i would need for the task in hand? see link below http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/160-Lumens-P4-CREE-L...%3A1%7C294%3A50 anyways, do you think that would be suitable or do i
  12. and you should read the posts before making a statement, joed's ferts are HOBS, therefore from play fighting/shagging, but definatly NO PREGNANCIES tell you what if they are hobs and they have kits i'll give him what it cost to make the court
  13. on that link it states that hedgehogs one one of the four target pest predators. what exactly do they predate???
  14. if its anything like the sheep mesh electric fencing the bottom strand isnt electrified anyway to stop that exact problem of shorting out. and you can support the flimy plastic built in poles with y shaped branches in the crner to stop the bend
  15. i have always just dealt with them within about a day. so do you gut them straight off thne hang them?
  16. i have always just dealt with them within about a day. so do you gut them straight off thne hang them?
  17. aww wow they are the cutest ferrets i have ever seen. easy to spot in the snow too!
  18. i saw today in one of the grain sheds the biggest rat ive ever seen (no gun with me ) anyway no word of a lie nose to tail must have been about 20 inchesand fat as hell. he looked like he would have shaken off a fenn mk 4 like a tap on the nose. need to get some gas for my ratty and hes going down
  19. NNNNOOOOOOOO Using oxygen, your rifle will go bang .... but only once. It has to be a designated air cylinder I am afraid. You could use some inert gas like nitrogen but that would be more expensive to fill and the industrial cylinders way a ton. HTH Michael ok what gasses can you use becuase i am looking at getting my 1st pcp and my dads a welder so i can get gases
  20. my old gamo magnum 2000 i think (lol) is getting slow and crap tbh i need a new gun and cant really afford a pcp so what is the best springer. i was looking at the BSA lightning and the weihrauch HW80 or 97 what is the best one around with a budget close to 150-200 ££££s. any help greatly appreciated thanks rob
  21. i gave it a quick go up by the grain shed at the farm and the best i got was a jackdaw after the grain. this was late this evening so whats the bets time and place. also we have a maggy attacking some blackbirds in our garden (its already killed one of the chicks) will this trick work on them or do i have to fake nest them? they are becoming a real nuicasnce and i need help
  22. the viel seems fine i just got the cheapest one i could (student budget) and used whatever netting and poles i had about. my best advice is save your hard earnt pennies for the deeks. they are what costs and essentialy the crux of the whole plan. i only have 6 full bodied plastic but if i were you lookig back i'd by as many flocked shells as i could and you should get the rocker sticks with them. and face and hand cover are essential if they are well covered and your still enough you can get a few rooks and maggies etc
  23. Mmmmmmmmmm Smells like a job for zeee bodygrip... Spend some vonga and invest in some 116's.. if there those numers you should be able to see the faint runs and they will only get stronger so look closer thats all i can say really or if there some good fences take full advantage
  24. with the purse netting is the plan to back net the rabs and wouldnt you still need to be there ? and shooter19 search snaring it seems much more what you need
  25. little bag! i have a lot to learn i go out with about half adozen deeks and a cam net an old s/s and the biggest bag ive had is 3 pigeons 4 rooks and 1jackdaw for 17 cartridges
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