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Everything posted by ellir0305

  1. so do you do the whole thing or just the breasts??
  2. right i've got a question for everyone, i have a HW90 curtesy of archiehood and its a great little hunter but i was wondering although the theoben gas ram is fairly quiet compared to most spring guns is it worth fitting a silencer and if so which one. or would it make the already long gun, too long? opinions please thanks rob
  3. my dad came into the house yeesterday morning fuming, theres a f**king rabbit eating my vegetables, and i can't catch it (not trap, he tried chasing it) anyways apparentl it was my fault and i had to kill it. so no problem i went to the veg plot this morning and nothing (great!) so i went for a wander round my permission which is 2 mins up the road, not much about and the rooks are just circling not landing waited by a favourite pigeon hotspot and in about 5 mins a dove fat on grain flapped out of the shed behind me and into the tree. cocked the HW90 anddown fell the dove straight i
  4. try a PM i doubt he will check this old post
  5. i have one of them, but arent they running at 6ft/lbs which is not much good for hunting
  6. just say its your pet ferret they dont need to know otherwise
  7. Yes , i saw them in a yankee shop ,so i made some my self,theres a lot of gorse near me and they work well for me,i set on a branch ,or a stone,so they hop,not push through,the pins are in perminantly,so its just a matter of clipping the trap on. if it not rude to ask you to reveal your secret, how did you make them? did you have to turn them up on a lathe or just round over the end of a bar with a ball pien?
  8. you know all about that you messer getting there at first light will help stop the corvids having the eyes and guts out and that lump is a tape worm cyst my shooting was similar today... SHOCKING i had 3 shots on pigeons i should have easily made them all. but i was shooting not 30 yards from my garden, i went back thinking i'd drawn a blank and the pigeon i thought i'd clipped was laying face down in the middle of my lawn
  9. well its not a hare by the looks of things but if you made the mistake it must be a bloody big rabbit so well done all the same
  10. LOL true its probably an old one i dont know of many other springers with such large silencers
  11. what a f**king idiot i'm sorry but with guns or projecticle weapons of any kind its SAFETY first and never rest the muzzle on your toes. but still hahahahaha!
  12. 1 or 2 inch weld mesh is too big. If you have kits or a small jill they could get out through it. Ferrets love to climb so the tighter the mesh the better for them. so should i seal the concrete on the floor and ply or mesh roof can i get away with a nest box instead of a hutch inside? so does it have to be 1/2" because the 1" is heavier gauge?
  13. i am looking at making a ferret court/run which will be 6'x6'x4' and i was wondering what is the best size and gauge mesh for ? and should i mess the floor if its on gravel?
  14. £2.20 1st class for 20 snares even less for 3-4 . cheers mr T i found 7 freshly spun 6 stranders and i'll find out some tealers(i use straight cos they are cheaper to make) and send them on up asap. i think this part of the site is number one in terms of generosity to newcomers and would like to help keep it that way, rob
  15. Me too. me three (lame i know) but if you were wanting rats to get used to it put the trap in but with the safey on for a few days too
  16. BST !!!!! since when has posture began with a T
  17. i was doing it for free before, but now i may have to ask for a contribution towards time and cost when i get called out! lol yeah then get told to f**k off by people who thought they were getting a free service lol i caught a couple of rats for some woman and she gave me £5 towards peanut butter but tbh i was only doing it because she had a fit daughter
  18. then are you sure yours is a bsa lightning or is it a really old one?
  19. tell you what you might not want to lug many around but as a semi- permanent tunnel that would be ace and with the trap bedded well in i think it should be the right height. good luck with the trapping rob
  20. Hi [bANNED TEXT]...im 15.nearly 16..yer ive checked out pretty much everything on the site lol i havnt made any tealers yet.. i will try and find out at some point how much postage would be for a small package and try and send you a few snares and tealers but im snowed under atm but im 17 and i know how much the generousity of people on this site has helped me to get started and i am hooked now and keep up with the nagging about the air rifle.
  21. just google the two, i think its the stock and silencer as well as someting on the trigger
  22. how old are you mate?? and have you made any tealers and have you read the pinned section ? i MIGHT be able to help you out:)
  23. any pics of the deeks? pm me
  24. ellir0305


    it has nothing to do with the county he does not have to have a licence to produce if he produces under 1500 gallons in one household and when it comes to selling keep it quiet and among friends is my advice and take the money you make in cash straight into the cider again. im a cider maker myself we make about 1000 gallons and sell a little bit to friends but using it to barter is a more legal way of doing things
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