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Everything posted by ellir0305

  1. i am only guessing here but the one without pain is probably the right one they might allow normal frequency sounds but disrupt loader sounds i dont know. fit them the comfortable way and fire a few shot and see
  2. i suppose it might be best to try one to start off with, as you say they are run by lantraso should be fine but it bits of paper that count
  3. please could you have a lookat the following link and tell me if these courses would be worth the investment as they are £ + VAT each and let me know if anyone has been on the same or similar and of experieces and knowledge gained. the courses and content sound interesting however i would like to know of other experience before i parts with hard earnt cash (two day wages + per course) http://www.somerset-training.com/training_.../vermin_control
  4. you know what i think you managed to out racist his comment
  5. there was a letter in air gun world ages ago about a bloke who made them using the top of an old wellie by punching holes with a leather punch and adding a tab with a slit to fit on a button, good idea though i just use my chest pockets tbh because most of the time a wear a soldier 95 shirt. accupells for the hw90 in one side and webley hustlers for the ratty in the other no fumbling no changing chuck on the shirt grab the gun and roll atb rob
  6. i totally agree, dont go with a meteor as they only put out 6ft/lbs which is just nowhere near enough so get yourself a s/h springer i have a weihrauch but they are heavy so standing shots are tricky at first, any of the big names and that bsa comet sounds a bargain coupled with a jsr own brand scope could be the perfect starter package. but do they do it in .22?
  7. do a search on retensioning snares on here and there should be a previous thread the search is a wonderful thing
  8. well i am not one to take pictures of kills but that is mainly because i have not got a camera worth using and my phone doesnt, i am tempted to get one of those tiny camera i can chuck in my pocket.
  9. VROEODYG, that might have worked better if very good was one word otherwise it just looks russian
  10. thanks for that, went for a walk out this morning to see if there was any decent runs etc and found some, a lot. Because there is so many, do you just take a chance with which one you set on. unless you have enough snares to cover them all then yeah just set on the most well worn ones atb rob
  11. i am currently on holiday from college and hopefully despite many obstacles, consisting of lack of funds, starting a new course in countryside management next year i put up a similar post a while back looking for work but i really would like some experience in the field other than what i do as a hobby. i'm 17 years old and willing to work hard and i've got a year of engineering under me belt which could come in useful. i have my own transport (motorbike) and a provisional licence. i know a little bit about snaring and trapping but would like to learn from experienced practitioners. i
  12. cheers bud finally some constructive critisism on this site i will look into making some wooden fenn tunnels which will hold a bait tray too because i usuallly use temporary mesh tunnels. any design tips anybody?
  13. well mine are springer mk 4s geniune as the name stamped on the plate and a have killed many a rat in them including a 19" one the other day so the spring is strong enough and yes it fecking hurt and broke the skin but not my bone i just had three very sore fingers for a couple of days. shit happens though but i was wearing thick rubber gloves if that affects anything. so watch your fingers lads (and lasses) happy trapping rob
  14. well i made a sloar dryer a few years ago and did apples and chillies and jerky and tomatoes and onions and it worked well but it needed good sunny days to get up enough heat a proper food dryer will be brilliant and jerky is lush so just experient will different meats and marinades etc just make sure you get rid of all the fat cos this goes rancid. you can use the oven on low with the door slightly open too. or we have a rayburn and the warming oven works brilliantly a tray of choped chilles in the blender in the warming oven overnight and bam instant chilli flakes perfect.
  15. we made something we like to call rib-breaker thanks to a funny event after to much of it this last year. we make cider about 1000 gallons but the early morgan sweet apples have little flavour or tannin so make poor cider. so we took some of this and added a good load of lightly crushed elderberries to the mix along with some sugar syrup (sugar and boiling water till it wont dissolve any more) this increases the alcohol content once fermented and a red wine yeast which if added at the right time becomes the dominent yeast without the use of other chemicals. after a week or som remove the t
  16. dont worry ate neither is aaron but just be polite and go to ask them face to face, then have a brief permission form for them to signdo a search and you should find something. i find face to face better because it gives them more chance to grill you adn establish character and in turn can work out better for you because if they like you will probably trust you more. atb rob
  17. Make one out of an old small drawer or 4 pieces of wood........just fix a fine wire mesh over the bottom.......you can get sheets of fine mesh (about 5mm) from Wickes or similar. cheers buddy always full of useful information you are, i got another rats in one of the mk4's today 19" this time thats my first one using grain as bait and it was a perfect kill snapped right behind the ears and dead where it hit. i love it when a plan comes together
  18. i will take that as a big fat no lol
  19. ellir0305

    Lift Nets

    i have a suggestion that could help: instead of looking at hinging the poles, have the poles permenant with the head line of the net running through a ring on each pole and tied at the oppisite end to which you will be when lifting and have that end guyed out securely then in theory with the headline slack the net should lie flat on the floor but when you pull the head line quickly taught the headline will drag the net up to the top nicely. and with that then securely tied up the bunnies can be walked into the net and there you have it, hope that makes sense and isnt what you are alre
  20. so do ou have some kind of small sieve for breaking up the soil over the top ?
  21. we always get a small problem with rats after the cider making when all the apple pulp goes into the compost heaps its just one of those things. i always use the fenns to clear up as many as possible but when i stop getting results with them and if there is still rodent activity. we use a hopper style bait tube like the one in the link http://www.killgerm.com/product-group.php?group=528 i use diffenacoum (i think thats the right spelling) in this and it allows me to use a small amount of bait at once and to monitor activity and uptake of the bait closely. i check round for dead rat
  22. i dont know about shooting it, it looks like you punched it to death thats one hell of a black eye
  23. thats a bloody good idea and should pretty much eliminate the problem of the soil running underneath. i may have to dig them out and try again
  24. i have just got into longboarding, and i'm just mastering the pumping and carving sides of things and its a great substitute when i cant get out with the mountain board i am well and truly hooked and this rain is doing nothing for me i was just wondering if there was any felllow longboarders on this site who wanted to meet up rob
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