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About katie_0306

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 03/06/1993

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  1. This year i didn't want to breed any kits, so i kept the Jills away from the Hobs as soon as i seen they were in season, but 2 of my 3 jills are fine still in season but one of them has gone down/ out of season and she is red and a clear discharge is coming out, only a small amount only noticed it today? is this normal or should i contact the vet and get her checked out or anything else you can suggest???? any help would be appreciated??? Thanks Katie xx
  2. Very sad news my thoughts are with you and his family at this sad time
  3. Thanks for all the advice/ tips they have all been a great help.!! and the cider apple vinegar i have googled it and seems it does work also the flea cat collar in the tube with holes in GREAT TIP thanks alot to all of you guys they are all worthy of knowing and greatt tips cheers xx
  4. it was somthing to treat the kits with was what i wanted as the jill is okay. ill just keep grooming them and bathing them also helps them getting used to being handled aswell then.. Thanks for all the advice anyway, it was very apreciated!
  5. Thanks maltenby i will keep that in mind for when they're older.
  6. Hey i have just had a litter of 5 kits and they are 4 weeks old now and are covered in fleas.!! i know the weather could have an effect on the numbers of fleas around but i keep trying to clean them off and get rid of them but they keep returning.! does any one know of any safe methods which i can try, any help would be greatly apreciated.! Thanks Katie.
  7. good luck with the sale PK if i had the room i would have them.
  8. i have seen loads and loads of crows down my stables. they really need getting rid of.! and i have seen more pigeons lately but i have seen more crows than anything.! desperatly need getting rid of. Katie..
  9. i understand that they will keep coming into season but will she do this again and what do you mean the jill jab?
  10. So will she come back into season and will she be ok or should i take her to a vet???
  11. Can any one give me some advice as my dad is away working and i havent had chance to ask him about my jills. i have 2 hobs and 2 jills, they have been seperated for about 2months before the jills came into season, as we dont want any kits this year. Both jills came into season about 6weeks ago however the year old jill has now come out of season but the other one is still fully in season. Is this because she is only a year old or is she having a phantom pregnancy??? and help or information on this is much appreciated. Thanks Katie.
  12. heyy gary, fancey forgetting your login.!

  13. Cracking pictures kev.!! Looks like you had a good day..
  14. hello kev, theres still lots of us in the south west, but we dont brag about it like the northerners do, LOL x
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