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lamping king

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Everything posted by lamping king

  1. I know yes mate i have 2 white saliki greyhounds and they can both run for fun ( match dogs ). I have to keep reading this it cracks me up ha ha ha. dog men
  2. fool what a load of shit i have a white saluki greyhound dog i will run ya.
  3. running dogs and pups. merlin.
  4. hello all you hunters out there

  5. alright mate has she done any work on the lamp. And where about are you. thanks
  6. dogs £150 and bitches £175. here are some photos ot parents.
  7. I will put take some better pictures tomorrow and put them on for you. i come from tipton mate. birmingham
  8. these pups will make about 24 inch s mate £175 for a bitch.
  9. i have some lurcher pups for sale. father is rosco, saluki greyhound, and mother is blitz, deerhound collie greyhound. both perants very good woking dogs. should make excellent workers. dogs and bitchs. pups are very strong and good boned. all pups have flopped ears. and bringle some tiger bringle. very pretty pups. if interesed please ring me on 07952148256. or email me on maynerabbitcontrol@googlemail.com
  10. [attachment =93975:connor_rabbiting.jpg] nice bitch that sully looks a fair old size!!!! how tall and heavy was she???? she is similar to my old bitch from a few years back she broke her neck when she hit a broken fence post while running a rabbit on the lamp f*****g gutted me night before my 16th birthday an all!!!!!!! RIP maddie this is her on the left in the early 90s with gem my saluki cross wish i could run these two again they taught me alot more when i was a kid than i taught them!!!!!!! RIP gem too! atb Hi TV she was bout 26 tts, very slight in build, she was very quick bu
  11. well said mate i could not say better myself and i own him . like you say how many 19mth old dogs run for that long AND DO HIS JOB and not jack . thanks
  12. blitz has had her pupz 3 dogs and 3 bitches.
  14. i have for sale a 100% working lakeland terrier he is black and tan, 17mths old very good bushing dog , marking holes. ratting etc.. if skruff marks a rabbit hole bet your life there is something in there NO MESSERS. in is located in west midlands SSOLD
  15. rosco.... just getting him fit.
  16. I believe Snoopdog went there in January with a little lamping dog and took 4/5 so that blows that one out of the water me thinks? All the best PP. You have to temper all runs with the words "winter hare and fair law" for them to mean anything imo. Im not suggesting Snoopdog isnt in that category, I dont know him , but there are guys chiming in here saying I took so and so on the lamp, what the**** has that do do with coursing on big land? Courses run where a dog is slipped as soon as the hare lifts, are stacked in the dogs favour. A fast ,quick off the mark whippet/ grew type can pick
  17. can anyone get me fen fever 3 dvd. i am the owner of rosco. i have done well with him and people keep on about this run on fen fever 3 some people say he run shit and others say it was a good course. i have killed with him and he runs well. That hare on fen fever must of been a good hare because i have ran him on big land and small and he even works with ferrets marking holes wish i could find some more like him. he is mateing these bitches up now.
  18. hello mate all i can help you with is that i own rosco and i am putting him on my bitchs he is a good dog mate. i think you have a good bread pup there.
  19. Good for you mate! Ive only seen him in the one course talked about on here,and would not presume to judge ANY dog on one run , other than that it confirms the dog has plenty of wind. thanks mate
  20. mate did you have any joy finding rosco run . Because i own rosco now and i want to see it to . how come he was sold onto you mate??? i brought him of a freind i sor him kill 5 hares in one day mate . people are running him down on here and never seen him run i am very pleased with him and i own him now and dont care what people say.
  21. you saying if the dog ran for 10 mins and made the kill at the end youd want to shoot the dog? what wonder dogs have you got pal? no mate iam saying................a dog that takes 10 minutes to catch its game isnt good all he did was run his quarry down a bloody collie can do that on the fens,and again i just heard the dog was thrown out in the streets later in life ill treated and is now being cared for by a family,again coursing stuff thrown in the gutter once finished what did the dog do jack on a 20 minute run I'd be interested to see the collie that can course on the fens fo
  22. mate did you have any joy finding rosco run . Because i own rosco now and i want to see it to .
  23. it was rosco mate he ran a hare for about 8 mins.
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