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Everything posted by shepp

  1. I was thinking the same as you, silly talk.
  2. You make a big mistake believing information these 'charities' give out. They constantly lie to achieve their objectives, they would let convicted rapists posing as children into their country, such is their self loathing and loathing of their country. Extremely sick individuals.
  3. You as an individual need to be of the right temperament to get the best out of one. If you fit that bill and you get a good one, then they take some beating.
  4. My bitch is a 1st cross collie grey, she is very picky with her runs, drove me nuts over the years. To the extent where I was getting so annoyed with her that I gave up hunting with her. Maybe my fault for starting her poorly, few too many misses at the beginning? I don't know?
  5. I had a dog some years ago that had regular fits and I knew both parents and all the litter mates. None of the others ever suffered a fit. It can just be one of those things.
  6. That may have been an article about Collie John's dog Kim, she was a small 3/4 reverse collie grey. Only about 19" tts but took over 100 big ears, I have a bitch here out of her.
  7. shepp

    Ross Kemp

    Back that up with even a shred of evidence.
  8. When they arrive, they'll be thinking that they've been tricked and deported to Africa.
  9. I managed to get together 4 flexi tubs of apples from the allotment and another piece of council land which has an old orchard on it. I will do my pressing this week. Would you guys add the yeast and give it a week indoors then move it to an outside shed to slow the fermentation down? Under my stairs is probably about 18 deg.
  10. No doubt the aid charities will be making nazi comparisons tomorrow. There you go. Comes as Clare Moseley of Care4Calais compared French to Nazis dealing with Jews in Second World War Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3864084/Left-wing-British-anarchists-planning-trouble-against-Calais-police-French-authorities-prepare-raze-Jungle-ground.html#ixzz4NygKT5UB Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  11. shepp

    Ross Kemp

    From some programmes I've seen him interviewing gangs in the roughest places on earth, I say he has more guts than any other presenter.
  12. through my eyes there is around £200 sat there minimum However breaking down caravans is a right boring and hard task even when you get the decent aluminium sheeting cladded ones Take the Ali off then put petrol on the rest, afterwards when the ash cools down you've got your scrap chassis wheels and tyres are wanted for trailers, water pumps and water heaters sell well on eBay, and the ally is just a small part, that covers your diesel, that's why there are so many people breaking caravans, Shame people down bother doing round here, I'm often seeing dumped caravans by the road side.
  13. No doubt the aid charities will be making nazi comparisons tomorrow.
  14. If that was to happen we would need to at least match the salary of the job they were leaving. Even then, with all the constant public and press scrutiny, they still may not fancy the job.
  15. On the down side, they have hearts made of cold granit.
  16. Don't forget the bowl of cabbage soup.
  17. shepp

    Dog Walkers

    If there's any barbed wire, you may struggle to make any profit.
  18. shepp

    Dog Walkers

    The term 'professional dog walker' always makes me chuckle. Do they have a degree in picking up shit or maybe they have a masters in stopping leads getting tangled?
  19. I guess that's like the road side apple trees you see. I guess a seed from an apple core thrown out a window occasionally manages to take root. I have some cookers and have offer of several trees over my allotments, will see on Sunday what they are. Only thing I could do with is crab apples.
  20. FLATTOP do you just use a random mixture of apples?
  21. That could have easily been a young David Cameron.
  22. From experience of making beer, I would say sure you can, as beer is usually bottle condition, so sugar is added to the bottle for secondary fermentation.
  23. I have been looking at easy ways of making a cider press basket or alternative. From research I think I have an easy way, not done it yet but I think it will work. Use a 10 litre food grade bucket, I think they can be found free at commercial kitchens.With a hole cutter drill some 15mm holes around the bottom perimeter and a few up the sides of the bucket. Then buy 4 cheap white plastic chopping boards like the ones they do for 80p in IKEA. Cut them into discs with a jig saw to fit the bucket. Crush the apples and lay a piece of net curtain over a bowl, fill the bowl with crushed apples,
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