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Everything posted by shepp
And they usually have a f***ing menagerie of pets. Can't afford to feed your kids decent grub but can afford to feed animalsPeople on benefits should be banned from keeping animals...., and reproducing until they're working and paying their way!! What happens if somebody works and then loses there job, do they hand there kids and pets in until they're working again? You should watch you don't fall off that f***ing pedestal and hurt yourself. Go and get another job!!try get a job in the valleys mate like gold dust unless you want shit pay long hours Do what the eastern Europeans do, t
Melting steel and having two buildings collapse into their own footprint is something that has never happened ever before, I find it pointless to talk about this to people since you then get labelled as a conspiracy theorist however I doubt this is even scientifically possible. Then there is WTC7 which was not even hit by anything and also collapsed freefall into it's own footprint. I just try to stick to facts and science where possible but from the minute I saw it happen I found the 3 building collapsing this way very very strange. If even one of those buildings has not collapsed ful
You b*****d lmao. Look up axum kingdom. Just one of many kingdoms in africa. You b*****d lmao. Look up axum kingdom. Just one of many kingdoms in africa. Sounds like Islam was a regressive influence to that once enlightened kingdom. Decline[edit]Eventually, the Islamic Empire took control of the Red Sea and most of the Nile, forcing Aksum into economic isolation. Northwest of Aksum, in modern-day Sudan, the Christian states of Makuria and Alodia lasted till the 13th century before becoming Islamic. Aksum, isolated, nonetheless still remained Christian
It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand? Or have they been "dealt with?" I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that. The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol They did a prog
It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand? Or have they been "dealt with?" I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that. The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol They did a prog
What do you guys get involved in syria war why does british support one side od the war in middle east and russia supports another thus prolonging the whole thing. Why did you go to libya and got involved there and helped remove the president why did you go to iraq and fought there and removed the president now country is mess why did you go to Afghanistan and got involved and removed taliban. Why do you mess around in muslim issues then pretend like the muslim is the bad guy and you have no involvement hell even the palestine israel war is the creation of british who created israel on palesti
How many conspiracy theories have been proven to be true?
That's very true, when have ever heard that said about anybody questioning a Christian or Buddhist beliefs?
Her brain is working at twice the average speed.
Yes put me down for one of them plain white things.
But now it's fashionable with parts of the left to make men out to be a bunch of potential rapists and all the bad in the world is because of men. But men have died in the millions across our history, toiling to feed and fighting to protecting our women and children.
This woman puts into words a lot of what I've been thinking in recent years. https://youtu.be/dMDVuHsVwKs
how can you believe in dinosaurs and the bible when the earths which god created is 2017 years old but dino's are 150,000,000 years old.?Where the f**k does it say anywhere that the earth is 2017 years old?........honestly, this is what we are dealing with !Almost as bad as saying it is only 6000 years old. TC Maybe this version is only 6000 years old?.......maybe we are on MK 2 or 3?Now there's something to really bake your noodle See, we easily beleive that a solitary asteroid caused a mass extinction over the whole planet with a single impact but we laugh at a flood doing the same?...
Well said my rug peddling friend, my thoughts exactly. You back my sky fairy and I'll back yours. Lol
I'll have my tequila, you can have your Taqiyya.
This is what happens when someone exposes them. https://youtu.be/3xK9sghbYXA
Going back to the original point. Mohamed differs from all the other prophets and leaders of the various religions due to the fact he was not a man of peace. He was basically a war lord, who converted people with the sword. He murdered non combatants and took women and children as sex slaves. All the barbaric things Islamic State are doing in Syria today, were all done by Mohamed and his followers. Islamic State are just following the Koran to the letter.
They're safe now http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/8203-bristol-police-step-up-patrols-to-combat-islamophobia-after-berlin-christmas-market-attack/story-30001423-detail/story.html
Kennel blind, unattractive, middle aged women in nylon slacks are to blame
Oddly the ones that commit suicide are usually the ones you least expect to do it.
As we've seen before, Germans will blindly follow a strong leader over the edge of a cliff.
Putin is too smart to go in feet first, he'll look for the right moment, do something they'll struggle to pin on him and then deny it.
For anybody who had not been in that soldiers position can in no way say in what way they will behave in a combat situation.
I suspect 99% of the conspiracy stuff about them is bollocks.
My father knows an old couple who wiped out all there savings and had to sell their house and move into a mobile home due to vet bills. Vets know some old people will do anything to keep their little Westies going and milk it for all it's worth.