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Everything posted by donk

  1. donk

    Movie streams

    Ok no problem SS, didnt realise i was asking for something illegal
  2. donk

    Movie streams

    Ah right so its illegal is it? Excuse my ignorance then,an explanation would have been appreciated though,seems thats not the way on this site these days though?????
  3. Just posted asking for any links to movie sites and my post has just vanished????? Did i do something wrong????????
  4. Some dogs are like that,my blue dog is a bit like that cos he got bit by another lurcher,so around other dogs he can be a bit skittish until he gets to trust them. I always find if you get down on your hunkers so you are at the same level as the dog they seem less nervous of you?
  5. Head strong,hunting up,yappie and their coats f*****g stink when they get wet Having said that mine will lamp all night,ive seen her leap tremendous heights,even do somersaults to catch a rabbit. Runs all night then still wants to go some more at the end of the night,heart like the biggest lion you ever saw,brilliant at protecting me from horses that get too close. Once got bowled over by a horse and the little bitch went mental with it. She has been a right twat at times hunting up,but has also got remarkably better as she has got older. I love her and i hate her
  6. Whats his breeding? Hes basically a lurcher x lurcher,got allsorts in him. Got him off a young fella off here as a pup. Sire and dam were both top hunting dogs,done more than most would ever dream about doing
  7. Jack the lad,hes a legend in these parts
  8. Youtube,as has been said. There are some fantastic tutors on there and just about any song you can think of. One of my fav tutors is on www.justinguitar.com Tutors are a personal thing,even on the net,some you like others you cant stand The important thing with learning guitar is to realise you aint gonna be brilliant overnight. Lots of practice and lots of patience are needed,having said that its not as hard as some people think. Dont know what type of music youre into but try to play some of the easier stuff first,Oasis is fairly basic kind of stuff but decent music at the same t
  9. There was a time,maybe 4-5 years back?,when this was a good site for help,advice and a bit of encouragement. Not just in hunting matters but in personal matters and general issues. Seems like those days are gone? Thats a shame and one of the main reasons i dont post much on here anymore. There are a lot of people being very quick to abuse others and generally act in an immature way. Sad times for what used to be the best site on the net.
  10. Gary Moore,thats all im gonna say,an education in guitar playing.
  11. Would a big dog with a big cock not damage a bitch with a small fanny?????????
  12. I guess i will be running this lurcher x lurcher,bred out of some cur dog from Teeside
  13. ive only ever had bother with staffy or bull types or crosses,except once when a lab attacked my dogs. I live in an area where the 'macho' chavs think its cool to have dogs runnin loose. Its down to the owners not the dogs though. My two are left off the lead,theyre both wise enough to know when to run,and there arent many fat dogs going to catch my lurchers these days. This is what happened to my 10 month lurcher bitch when she got too close to a couple of staffy crosses that hadnt been socialised by their idiot of an owner. Needless to say if any of them types come near her
  14. Small world eh? I was at the stone circle and there was someone there with lurcher type dogs,i was going to go over and speak to them but i had to do the taking the photos bit for the girlfriend and her mother,then we headed off to 'saint johns in the vale'. Going back over that way weekend of the 15th. Staying in a caravan this time though at a different place. Heres some pics just for the atmosphere
  15. Aahhhhh yes the lake district,some of britains finest walks. Ive just recently been to Burns farm,camping site,dont know how much it costs cos my lass paid,but it was great. Showers and a laundry if you needed them,dogs allowed and really nice owners. Just a couple of miles outside of keswick and about half a mile off the A66. Deffo going back there soon.
  16. donk


    Up on the downs near dunstable.
  17. Dont think there was battalions back in his day,he always said it was just 'The parachute regiment'. Must be going back 50+ years now,he done most of his tours around the middle east,cyprus, jordan etc. Ive got some of his stuff stashed away,i will try to find it for dates etc.
  18. My old fella was a para,and as he used to say to folk,'if you wern't there when the shit was flying dont make judgements'. If you've never looked down the barrel of your weapon and had to make a split second decision as to whether the bloke approaching you is friendly or enemey,dont make judgements. We fought for ourselves and our mates,for pride and integrity of our regiment,we believed in what we were doing and we gave our all,some paid the ultimate price'. He was a skinny bloke my old fella,didnt look much,not one of these big macho fuckers. But he wiped the floor with a few who knocked wh
  19. Yeah you did the right thing mate,theres too many fools who think its big or clever to ignore someone in distress. So what if he was a smackhead,he might not have been and you were not to know that. Im not a do gooder and i wouldnt normally interfere in anyone elses business,but if someone is in need of help and i can be of assistance then i always offer. Its easy to ignore situations,it takes a better person to get involved and help others who need it.
  20. well i hope you enjoy the army,or whatever else you decide to do in life young fella. Nothing wrong in walking out of a job if you dont like what your doing,in fact it does take a bit bollox to do it. As far as pride goes? well you will learn that pride in yourself and whatever job you do is a big part of feeling happy in life. Go with your gut instinct and you wil never go far wrong. Atb,from an old fella
  21. Some of you young uns are easy beat What you going to do if you join the army,go out on patrol and have contact with the enemy? Say 'f**k this im off'? You'll need to show a bit more bollox than that to fit in with your unit. Still, basic training tends to weed out the lads who cant hack it. All the best in whatever you do bud.
  22. donk


    I remember a time when this place was a good place to get help and advice,times have changed,even on the internet.
  23. They should make a decent cross then,cant say ive ever seen any work,but i would definitely be interested in watching them work. Wonder how they would compare to a bull x? Ive seen some clips on youtube and they certainly have enough heart for the job on big stuff. All the best mate
  24. donk


    Good luck to anyone coming off any drugs. Just got my lass off them,now she's trying to get me to pack the ciggies in
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