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Everything posted by donk

  1. donk


    Anyone who feels the need to post a "sausage shot" kind of picture or a head "blown apart" type of picture isnt getting the drift of hunting. Same with the "shot and retrieved" merchants,bollox, thats what i say Its obvious theyre just needing some testosterone injections. And they will be the first ones to moan when they get their dogs taken of them
  2. Ive never owned a bull x,and the only ones ive seen work have been just like their owners,theyve all got imaginary rolls of carpet under their arms and 'im a geezer' attitudes
  3. Sheeeeeeeit,have i blown my cover as an anti Right im off to have a "mister Fox" bubbly bath,oh no. . . . . . . . . . . . . i cant,antis dont bathe
  4. donk


    Ok this is just a thought off the back of another thread on here,but, is there a list,or could one be compiled, of all the companies/retailers that donate to anti hunt groups???????? Ive already heard that the cosmetic company 'lush' are supporting anti hunt groups,also i heard a while back that the tool company 'draper' supported them too. Anyone know of any others?????
  5. Unfortunately the kara te kid will probably get his bike trashed by the chav and his drugged up scummy mates at some point. Fair play to the fella,he showed fantastic restraint. Not sure i would have been able to last that long before i took the chav down.
  6. Its good for the young uns to get a bit of knowledge of the beasts and if they pitch in and do a bit work then all is well. Your young fella certainly has something to smile about in them pics.
  7. donk

    Old Fella

    OOOOOH yes and some free stories and pics,cos i wont even take the dog out anyway,i'll just sell it to me mate cos hes a proper real deal topp fella,like. I hada dog that done amstrads,pre-ban of course,im looking at one that can get on the x-box and not jack though! ! ! :whistling:
  8. donk


    I'd love to see that
  9. donk

    Old Fella

    Well im getting on in years and i was just wondering if anyone had any free dogs they could give me as i dont want to work anymore at my age The dogs must be good ones and come with a years supply of food and a lot of free permission as i will have a lot of time on my hands when i pack in my job In return i promise to drop off a rabbit when the dog has caught a few. Thank's to all you good people
  10. donk


    Happy 45th birthday you old tart
  11. donk

    Staff Attack

    To be honest i wouldnt take the dog back to the vets if i was you mate. Plenty of warm salty water on that wound for the first couple of days then let it dry out and scab over Keep the cone on the dog or even try a muzzle to keep it from nibbling at it and the dog shoud be fine.
  12. donk

    Staff Attack

    Happened to me once,its never happened again. Any dog comes near mine and gets aggressive and it gets booted. So far ive done a labrador,standard poodle, another lurcher,2 staffy types, collie and a bitza terrier. Of the owners that were there? Well some were apologetic,some annoyed and one was going to "f@ckin do me" but he didn't, i ran away cos he was massive
  13. I can do better than that I sent my accounts to the accountant in 2007,they still havent received them Now i have a fine from the taxman to pay and a pending determination on how much tax i owe him 1st class recorded and signed for delivery? Wouldnt waste my money on it,its no wonder private companies are muscling in on the royal mail.
  14. Got this book off amazon about Christina Noble,born in Dublin and ended up in vietnam heping the street kids Now like all the rest of you lads on here im a rough tough hairy arsed hunter BUT,this book is a real tear jerker. I dont think ive ever read anyones story that has hit me so hard Totally amazing and compassionate woman,kind of makes you feel a bit pathetic when you think of what you moan about in life. Go on ,have a read of it,i dare you Oh and i got my copy off amazon for pennies
  15. Centurion, why do they titter?????? :clapper: No point coming on here getting your knickers in a twist lads nd lasses. If youre that bothered get out there and do something to support your beliefs,whichever side of the fence youre on!!!!!! Personally i dont give a monkeys anymore,ive seen enough of all kinds of races and cultures to know that immigration is here to stay and gobbing off on a forum wont make the slightest bit of difference. :blink:
  16. donk

    Free Heroin!!

    An interesting read,and i can see both sides of the argument. I guess if you have had bad experiences with the use of the drug then you will have negative thoughts and make negative comments,conversley if you have seen positive results from rehab programmes or other programmes then you will comment more positively? I thankfully have had never come into contact with users of this drug,at least to the best of my knowledge i haven't. One thing i will comment on is the 'breakdown of society'. When folk had nothing to steal there was less being stolen,now we are better off and have nice thin
  17. I'd be happy enough if mine were scared of cats,as it is they grew up around cats and though they will chase them they never strike at them. It shouldnt make any difference to a dog taking bigger stuff in countries where its legal though,its all down to how the dog is entered to its quarry. Dont even think about letting your dog chase cats though,apart from the fact its illegal,cats can damage a dog more than you might think. One of them claws in your dogs eye and its f****d mate,there aint many good one eyed lurchers about,
  18. Yep,weve been watched since this site was set up,its no secret and should come as no surprise,surely? But,as always,theres no telling some folk,and all the wannabe's will keep on posting pics and incriminating themselves,then come on here moaning about being raided.
  19. donk

    could all

    Mebbes it would be a fine idea if we all put our home addresses up and mobile numbers? Then we could send each other xmas cards and such like?
  20. Thanks everyone,im a bit nervous about it to be honest but i should do ok The courses run 9am- 10.45 and 10.45- 12.30 respectively, on a saturday morning,just to clear up the concurrent issue
  21. Well im not the fizziest can of pop in the fridge,as im sure some of you are aware Anyway my girlfriend has just passed her Numeracy (maths) and literacy (english) at college,and while she was studying them i helped her out a bit when she got stuck A few weeks ago she went to enrol on another course and i went along with her,partly out of curiosity and also because i knew she would need a lift back home afterwards. Anyway while i was there she talked me into taking the Literacy and Numeracy tests that everyone has to sit to enrol on the courses. Its a test you take on the computer a
  22. donk

    Movie streams

    well thanks for the info lads,i wouldnt like to bring any disrespect to this site
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