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Everything posted by donk

  1. donk


    Can anyone remember when some geezer called saddam Hussein was threatening the world with weapons of mass destruction? Only when we got there in actual fact there wasnt any? "They only went in for the oil" we cried. "No we didnt" replied the governments involved. Well all the oil industry is up for auction today in Iraq Shameful
  2. Toastning very nicely with my electric blanket on, Zzzzzzzzzning
  3. Paranoia, a lot of things are possibble in this world and a lot of things are do-able. It all boils down to whether you can be bothered or not?
  4. Ok so lets say we stop guests viewing the forum. Who is next for the chop? The dog walkers among us? Cos lets face it not everyone on here is 'real deal'. Some are on here for the craic,some are armchair hunters, there are even some who are complete dreamers. Do we chop them next? Or we could take it further,how about chopping anyone who's dog has jacked on something? Surely a 'real' hunter wouldnt have a dog like that? Where do we draw the line? How do we get new members? How do we bring the young ones into the game? How do we educate the uneducated? And yes even the antis can be e
  5. Yes but moochers dont have the atmosphere or ambience of this site does it?
  6. I dont know why you worry so much about antis,as has been said, they will just join as members. Also, closed forums die, close this forum and you will play straight into their hands, get it? Anyway theres hunting to be done,i cant be wasting my time on those grave robbing smelly types
  7. Had this conversation with my girlfriend a few weeks ago,but as i said to her at the time, 'its only my theory, its not like i have done any reaearch on the subject'. Then the other night she text me and said something along the lines of 'oh my god your theory is on the news!!!!! ' Its all bollox, same as this recycling mularky. All recycling is doing is providing some businessman with free materials that he can re-use and make money out of. The world is in a recession,how do we get out of it? Well why dont we tax the working types to an even higher level. How do we do that? We make t
  8. Of course there will always be poachers,same as there will always be burglars or policemen, whats your point?
  9. Well the guests viewing a topic always increases when the 'anti' word is mentioned, theyre sad grave robbing tw@ts, simple as that. End of the day nothing will stop die hard hunters hunting. Since the ban came in ive started snaring my foxes and my tally has went through the roof compared to what i used to get with the dogs Ive always said the antis doomed the fox to a fate worse than dogging when the ban came in, how right i was.
  10. Hunting will always be with us,no matter what laws are introduced,there will always be hunting
  11. I can understand to an extent what you say about people having a go at you,but, this is a free site and apart from a bit bitching that goes on, it's a bloody good site on the whole. Were never always going to agree on things,and there will always be name calling and accusations. I think the mods have a hard job keeping on top of stuff,and i dont always agree with their reasons for either deleting or locking topics,but its not going to wind me up. Its only the interner after all.
  12. Never read any hunting books since i read one of plummers,(about 30 years ago) get out and do it.
  13. Dogs,lamp, knife and a big bag of sneakiness
  14. Apparently some dogs do this,is he a young dog???? Ive heard they grow out of it?
  15. donk

    white deer

    Never seen any myself, mebbes they were not allowed to practice being 'white' in case it upset the other coloured deer??
  16. No good coming on here moaning about it Get onto your local MP, send e-mails to all the newspapers,ask questions, demand answers, fly your union jacks, use your vote wisely. Make your voice heard, if you cant speak up for your beliefs or debate in a rational way, send your thoughts to as many public arenas as possible. Somebody mentioned petitions? Get one started. Get pro-active Im sick of our government shitting on us over this race and ethnic thing,it's pathetic. I've never been racist or had any bad run ins with ethnics,i guess ive been fairly liberal so far,the tide is turni
  17. Give them enough rope . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  18. women who dont like dogs Women who have a shower before bedtime,and then have another one when they get up in the morning even though you didnt have sex?? whats that all about????
  19. donk


    And thats why i always carry a knife when im out with my dogs,arseholes like him have no respect,so i dont show them any,or their dogs. As far as breaking sticks go,ive only ever seen them used with very little effect. These kinds of dogs will be banned because of people like him.
  20. Thing is mate the dogs got to learn to try to avoid obstacles like that. Ok its not ideal having a dog hit stuff,and i guess we would all like to think that we run our dogs on perfect ground,but whats the reality? Theres not many of us that have permission with vast expanses of land,lots of us have smaller fields to run which are surrounded with fences,got old bits of machinery left in the corners. Even bits of tree that have blown off can cause the dog injury. I understand what youre saying mate,but dont go blaming yourself for anythin like that,dogs will pick up injuries,simple as that. Gl
  21. donk

    roy cropper

    thought it was skippy who raised the alarm????
  22. donk


    that one looks like it is stuffed very adaptable beast the fox,bloke down the road from me had one living under his garden steps and knew nowt about it
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