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Everything posted by donk

  1. Just the 2, ferretting bitch and a fast dog for those supercharged bunnies
  2. Got this one with the catty
  3. donk


    Well done Donk and good luck with the maths. Good luck with your maths mate,your never to old to learn Thanks for that lads,wish i had done this earlier in life, but there you go Just got to say though when i passed that english exam im sure my willy grew by an inch double the size now,not bad eh?
  4. IanB, stop poncing about with the site and get some hunting done you messer
  5. donk


    Im not going to take the piss because i've just passed my english exam at college and i'm 46 years old. You would be surprised at how many adults lack basic english and maths skills I passed with 37 out of 40 on my english,got my maths exam in a few weeks time, hope i do as well at that.
  6. So most of the shepherds would be contractors then? Cant see that being steady work? More seasonal with lambing and shearing. Shame,ive always fancied being a shepherd.
  7. What is the availability of work for shepherds these days? Is it still an ongoing task where there is a shepherd that looks after the sheep or is it down to farm labourers and farmers?
  8. 1963 Me and my 2 sisters used to sit on the draining bench of the kitchen sink,feet in the water in the sink and my mother would wash us all down,with the same water :icon_eek: If you called on your mate you would put your mouth down to the letter box and open it and shout through it " johnny johnny are you coming out?" A lollipop stick in the gutter on a rainy day kept amused all day,we were gutted when it stopped raining or we had to go in for our tea. Happy times.
  9. donk


    Give them a wedding band and they turn it into an orchestra of misery, greed and financial strife.
  10. I only come on here cos ive got nothing else better to do, i dont really like the site that much Nar but honestly, its a laugh watching all the radgies kick off with each other over fastest dog, what % mix makes the best dog,breed, Tinkers tonk lines and tonkers tink lines from 'smithys jess' put back back to a half bred whats-its-name Theres some good folk, unfortunately a lot of them dont post anymore
  11. donk


    Wasnt sure where to put this.? Was out the other day and got this with the catty. The dogs marked the tree and 2 shots later they had breakfast
  12. You have nothing to worry about mate, i've seen how you keep and treat your dogs so i wouldnt worry about it too much. Being polite but firm is the best way forward,it worked for me anyway. Youve got nothing to hide so let them in and have a chat and a cuppa,they wont bother coming back.
  13. Call to arms , man the barricades , the peasants are revolting :crazy:
  15. Sounds good to me mate Peaceful and respectful is the way forward. The antis will be buzzing about this They will try to start trouble,we need to laugh in their faces,no violence or trouble. "See you lads and lasses at the barricades" :dance:
  16. Spot on mate. Its so easy to speak out these days and to be heard.
  17. So we need to voice our opinions in a decent and respectful manner,thats fine and im sure that a lot of people,not just on here but other hunters, are capable of doing that. Its not just about that programme,we have to look at the wider issues that affect what is to my mind an infringement on our freedom. Our right to hunt is being eroded bit by bit,it wont stop just because they banned hunting with hounds. All the hunting hobbyists will sit back and do nothing,all the part timers will use phrases like 'well theres nothing much i can do about it'. But, if you love this game and you want to
  18. Donk can march any weekend and anywhere as long as im given a bit notice.
  19. well seeing as how it was 'The BBC' who highlighted the topic that has kicked up all this feeling,how about the march/protest is around their studios up and down the country? I,m sure the independent Tv networks would like to see the BBC get a bit bad press? Just a thought!!
  20. Well i finally got this finished,i've been a bit tied up with work and college so it's taken longer than normal. Ive basically replaced the pistonhead seal,breech seal and mainspring (ox),i was going to do the stock but,well,i grew impatient and wanted to get out and get it sighted in. I used beretta oils and bisley grease on the spring. Everything was pretty straight forward, trigger was a bit fiddly but i made a note of where everything was as i took the rifle apart. Hopefully get out with it within the next couple of days.
  21. what about setting a date now? Say the first bank holiday in 2010? Which i believe would be 2nd april (good friday) and 5th April (easter monday)
  22. Does this need cross posting to the general section? Just a thought as there are parts of this forum that i wouldnt normally visit and there may be members on here who are oblivious to this thread?
  23. It dosent matter what works or what dosent work, well it does, but you know what i mean? This is another call to arms. We cant remain silent if we want any sort of chance of keeping whats left of our heritage. We have to keep reminding politicians and the public that were not happy about this shit. Yeah there will be certain people who wont attend,they will make lame excuses, but I for one wont lie on my death bed and have regrets about not doing enough. Come on lads and lasses,lets do something Even if we dont get heard,or hit the papers at least we will walk proud
  24. Only ever marched for one thing and that was in newcastle in the last protest against the ban. I'd do it again though. Come on who has the ability to organise this?????
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