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Everything posted by donk

  1. Fair play to the tyke, at least hes not sat on his arse or out mugging.
  2. donk


    Thanks anyway AA, the pc just shut down on mw after i posted that message,it is restarting and bringing me back to this page when i reconnect to the internet. The message im getting gives me a minute to save my work then it counts down and restarts?
  3. donk


    Ive got AVG 9 which ive just updated. The problem is that it keeps coming up saying ther are no active components? As though it is switching its self on and off,then activating its self. Ive just removed 4 trojans from the C drive and i keep getting 'error reports' coming up saying 'avg has encountered a problem and is closing down' i then have the option to report it to microsoft. Anyone got any ideas what is happening? The pc is runnng but seems a bit unstable and unresponsive sometimes. Ive done a full scan but im no expert so any advice would be appreciated.
  4. The dog will do them when its ready to do them,and it will know better than you when the time is right.
  5. Cheers lads. Corkyjohn,i first fished isle of whithorn with my father over 30 years ago. I went back a couple of years ago and my god the place has been ravaged. Empty packets and coke cans lying about,litter and bits of rubbish,not good. We camped on the little bit of grass out past the harbour wall,it rained all weekend and we were soaked,happy days
  6. donk


    Correcting my grammar. For example if i say "pass them dog leads" she will always say "those dog leads,not them dog leads" Boils my head. Taking the piss out of my beautiful geordie accent. Letting me get fully dressed for a night out and then saying "youre not seriously wearing 'That' to go out in are you"? Trying to tell me that i need a shower when ive already had one that week. Insisting that i change boxers and socks everyday,then moaning about the pile of washing
  7. And this is what pisses me off. People try to organise stuff like this and no one,or very few,even bother to send an e-mail or a p.m. saying they will attend or support the cause. And then you get all the arseholes whining that "our way of life is being eroded",or some other bit of bullshite Theres a few good ones in this hunting game,but theres a lot who just spout their patter so they can pats on their backs off their mates. This dog game is f****d because lads wont stand together and be counted or fight for their sport. Best of luck with this mushroom,at least when its all gone you w
  8. Shit i need to get a life ive just read through all of this crap Its no wonder i dont come on here that often. In the time its taken me to read all this i could have had a dam good days hunting Peace and goodwill to all hunters,but heres a thought, If some people spent as much time out hunting as they do on here we would all have full freezers
  9. buy close to a uni - student property always lets if you go through the uni you sometimes get paid qtrly or twice yearly in advance .. We Painted out some student lets a while back the landlord is still struggling to let them out said that so many bought at the begining of the boom to buy to let. Yep, everyone jumped on the bandwagon when 'buy to lets' came out. Interest rates were high (well,higher, not too high though) property prices were high,there was a confidence in the market that was previously unseen. And this was all part of the 'sub-prime' fiasco. It was all a false co
  10. For a middling to long term return it would be property for me,prices are low for buyers,rental income is steady, buy to let mortgages are still easy enough to get. Yep,property.
  11. Well if you bully type owners on here are genuine lads then i take my hat off to you's for your passion and love of your dogs. Its shit when you own a type of dog and all it gets is bad press,unfortunately ive only ever met the bad owners which i guess has prejudiced the way i think about the dogs? I can see why people would want to own this kind of dog,its just a shame that they are portrayed in such a bad light because of the idiots.
  12. Good post jigsaw, you are obviously one of the decent kind of owners who bring their dogs on properly.
  13. the second half of that statement could just as easily be said about boys caught coursing or digging, but that would'nt go down to well on here Exactly right. End of the day whatever anyone does,whether its fighting,digging, coursing, or whatever else it is,do it, but dont go around bragging about it. Its simple,keep a close group of friends who can be trusted and keep strangers at bay. The only reason people get caught is because they like to show off or brag about stuff. They want to be seen as 'real deal' and they talk the talk and walk the walk. Then when they get busted they cr
  14. donk

    a cole

    Maybe she's a crap shag?
  15. Well if they were fighting dogs then i have no sympathy,another case of dickhead owners not being careful about what they do with their dogs.
  16. I fish the opposite side of the river from walker,watch out for them seals though they must be following the tide up and down chasing the fish
  17. donk

    Its interesting

    Well i guess its up to us to re-educate the poor beggars? As i say, i dont think i will ever make a huntress out of her,but then again would i want to? I prefer to do my hunting by myself,its my time for myself.
  18. Just wondered if any of you lads have ever done much spinning off the north east coast,and if its a very good method? I've done the mackerel feathers from the piers before,but im interested in trying some spinning from rocks at deep water marks,and even beaches. Ive done a bit spinning over at the isle of whithorn with some success nd wondered if it might work over the north east coast.
  19. yep its annoying when a good thread is spoilt by eejits,all the best with your future posts though mate
  20. donk

    baby p

    f****r deserves more that that,good head stomping and a scar to warn everyone when he gets out,if he makes it out.
  21. Well,me and the girlfriend were sitting in the house the other night,we didnt fancy going out so we ordered an indians and I nipped down the sikh shop for some drink. When i got back she was looking through the DVD collection and pulled a DVD out and asks 'whats this about'? 'You wouldnt like it' i replied,its about irish lads,dogs,gambling and 'the blink'. Yep she had pulled out the classic film 'Man about dog' Now here is where i have to explain about my girlfriend Well, she is a bit of a hippy,travelled the world,studied in japan,has been to most asian countries,met loads of exotic
  22. yer a poaching twat you are lad

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