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Everything posted by donk

  1. donk


    Apparently the guy was a good story teller but knew very little about the dogs and stuff. Well that maybe true,but i can guarantee he got a lot of people into dogs with his 'stories'. As far as i can recall, when i used to go to the library, his were the only books on the shelves about terriers and lurchers. Yeah he might have been a dreamer,but a lot of people are living his dream right now because of the stuff he wrote about but never actually done. Its good that there are authors out there now who actually do the stuff they write about. Good hunting
  2. Nice one mate,im sure the stinkers will enjoy that rabbit. Its good to get out,were getting the thaw up here now so it shouldnt be too long before were out again. Good hunting.
  3. donk


    Bump, Gateshead area anyone?
  4. Sometimes i despair Seriously though,the only gypsy/traveller,ive ever met was "gypsy rose lee" or whatever her name was,up at the town moor,i asked her about dogs but she wasn't impressed
  5. Good uns and bad uns,thats the way it is in all walks. Got pulled doing 55 mph in a 40 zone last week,copper gave me a right rollocking even though i was old enough to be his dad,lol. Didnt nick me though,and i have took notice and slowed down. Had good do's and bad do's with the rozzas,wouldnt slag a man over his chosen profession. I wouldnt want to do their job. Good hunting
  6. donk


    Anyone know of any decent roofers in the north east area? Ive got a leak,need my guttering sorted as well. Not sure if its just needing repointing work done or flashing or what? Cheers
  7. Many years ago. My ex wife and my grandaughter My son with pickle lol
  8. Bloody good them,. . . . . . . . .erm,fancy wellies them mind
  9. donk

    top fella who probably gets more stick than he deserves,but ive heard he likes a big stick anyway,lol.

  10. Top fella,just dont get the vienesse whirls out if he visits,lol.

  11. Never had one of them fellas yet my day will come though,once the ban is banned Seen a few dugs that could take a lot of them though,f@cking amazing to watch a good dog do his stuff. Technique and balls out dedication,thats what makes the difference i think.
  12. Yep,my local land has dried up,loadsa gingas but nee rabbits. F@ckin gingas are trying to get in the bins now,loads coming to the local chippy to pick up the scraps of chips and kebabs. Been travelling to the team valley which aint too far from me but mixy hit it hard last season and this season. Going to have to move out of this flat im in and get a house so i can get some more ferts and start lookin for new lands.
  13. Well i think a bit hunting is in order,if we spent as much time out with the dogs as we do on here arguing,we would all have superb dogs,lol. Good hunting all
  14. Well done jembo,32 is a nice bag
  15. Izzy,(me lurcher bitch) dont like coloureds,i got called into work one night as there was a problem,i had been on my way out with the dogs to do a bit lamping so i took the dogs with me. Took the dogs in the factory with me and she greeted all the lads except this eritrean lad i work with,she growled at him and fecked off
  16. I'd be happy if she had acres and acres and acres of permission,then i could pack in the poaching. I'd sniff the steam off her cak for that,lol.
  17. A man that likes a women to spit . . . . . .my god your very rare! Married?! Nope not married,looking for a lady friend though If only i was 20 years younger
  18. Yep apparently raw meats are the best,use a dry complete myself, normally connollys redmills for greyhounds. Dogs look alright on it,its easier than raw,just scoop a bowl full out of the bag and put it down for them. 15kg bag does me for nearly a month @ £12 or so a bag. I dont measure it or nowt,just fill the bowls and put it down,my dogs dont greed,just eat what they want and leave the rest.
  19. Its looking good for tonight,just hope we dont bump into any of them big red rabbits
  20. yeah same here mate,still some icy bits where the waters lying on some fields though
  21. Cheers mate,first time you go down its funny,second time it hurts,third time im starting to lose my temper lol
  22. Had a dodge out this morning,wasnt planning it as the ground still seems a bit hard,but i woke up early so we went for a skulk about. There was quite a bit slippery ice on the footpaths,and yeah i ended up going down 3 times to be honest had a look over here then had a look over there Didnt see anything about,though the dogs had their noses in the air at one point,must of been one of them 'big red rabbits' somewhere near. Dogs had a sniff about and did some scent tracking but nowt came of it,never mind. Hope it stays mild today and dosent get
  23. A man that likes a women to spit . . . . . .my god your very rare! Married?! Nope not married,looking for a lady friend though
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