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Everything posted by donk

  1. Too much too early will probably spoil a young un, sounds to me like your doing ok mate,ignore the numptys
  2. well its an interesting thread this,not sure what to think though? Im still finding it hard to believe that a bird of prey in this country can handle a fox,without getting a lot of damage? No disrespect to anyone for their views or opinions,and i know absolutely nowt about BOP. Having said that i once watched a seagull (not sure what type but it was a big un) pick up a rabbit,fly up into the sky and drop it back to the ground to kill it,then swoop back down and start eating it I'll keep an open mind on this one,would love to see it though
  3. A cut that size will probably be ok just washed with warm salty water,but,make sure its well washed out and that theres no crap inside the cut. Wash it a couple of times a day for the first 3 days,keep an eye on it in case it looks infected,but it should be ok.If youre not sure go to the vets,though obviously they will take your eyes out for the pleasure of antibiotic jabs and tablets.
  4. Good post brimmer,used to enjoy the trips out with me owld fella,amazing how they never stop pulling rank on you,
  5. Seen quite a few up the cheviots and that area,not much of a challenge for a good dog i wouldnt of thought. plenty of kebeb meat though
  6. Im not into guns or rifles,but that was an excellent shot I couldnt even see the hare at first
  7. Ive got visions of a huntsman,in his smart red jacket with a terradactyl on his arm
  8. Kin ell,what size bird do they use to take a fox???????
  9. In fifteen years of marriage my mother has never once been to my house,now im single and in my own flat (3 years) she still hasnt come to see me????? My son i only ever see if i go down to his mothers,and he didnt get me a birthday card last month tho i did get a bottle of whiskey off him for xmas My youngest sister has never kept in touch,ive had one fone call off her in about 8 years,and the last time i saw her hubby was 15 years ago at their wedding None of my mates,except one who is on here,has kept in touch with me since my marriage broke up,and do you know what? I dont give a fl
  10. Looks nasty mate,my bitch done the same but caught the inside of her leg,nasty stuff that barbed wire. She will be right before you know it mate,best of luck with her
  11. My ex always said ive got 'killers eyes' Thats why she is the ex,she didnt understand me,im a lovely old fella,sweet as honey and a gentleman
  12. My ex missus used to laugh at me and say "who is going to give permission to a dodgey looking f@cker like you"? Guess she's right cos i aint got none yet
  13. donk


    All i ask of my dogs is "start catching something ye fuckers" I just got into the dogs about 7 years back so i know very little,on top of that i had a break for about 2 years due to unforseen personal circumstances Anyway,im back this season and im trying to get back up to speed,having lots of problems but we're getting there Ive been out most nights the past 2 weeks but to be fair theres not much game local (council estate poacher lol) Tonight though im off into the hills,bit risky,but ive got to start putting some easier catches in front of my 3 year old dog,hes from go
  14. Unless hes overturned the hunting ban in the UK i dont give a f@ck what he's said to be honest. I have total respect for people who find comfort in their religion,my old granda was a good irish catholic fella who was in his church as often as he could be in his later years. Me? I sussed at an early age its not my kind of gig. :db:
  15. Women I cant help it im a soft c**t with them Fall in love too easy And guess what? i get stitched up everytime Yep,deffo women :tongue4:
  16. Its a canny film that,a bit over romanticised,not as much as green street and footie factory though,they were both pap. Its not big and its not clever
  17. Seems like its been running fairly smoothly on the whole? Not my kind of gig but its good for the sport and it brings people together,and thats got to be a good thing? LDR and the rest of the lads who seem involved in the running of it and judging it (woodga foxhunter etc.) are all good honest down to earth blokes,as seem to be all the people involved in the competition. Best of luck to all those involved past, present and future.
  18. I enjoy the break from work and im invited to my older sisters this year for dinner. Apart from that its a bit of a head f**k for me. I'll be going out with the dogs,got my bergen already packed and hopefully im gonna spend a few days up northumberland or the scottish borders
  19. Its nicked innit??? I'll have a couple of bottles of glenfiddich,and a couple of brandy if you can get them
  20. Another good day for you's,well done. 7th picture down,whats that on the right hand side of the fence? looks like a box or run of some sort?
  21. donk


    And getting a bit mental as well
  22. donk


    Yep,the works do,the gig,the fukin lot and i had the chance to meet up wif a lad off here but knocked it back lol. Bucko? we havin a dodge out soon mate?
  23. donk


    erm ................................................................................ ............................... ive just woke up Went for a wee nap at teatime and ive just woke up bout 10 minutes ago
  24. donk


    Yeh it did mate,then it was the jubilee,now its trillians,good old bar,had many a good time in there in my younger days,lol
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