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Everything posted by donk

  1. Been caught a couple of times with rabbits,once down yorkshire with the ferrets,farmer came over and just says 'howay lads you know your not supposed to be on here,if the keepers lads find you there will be hell on'. He walked us off his land after we got the stinkers out,let us keep the rabbits and we left. Got caught early one morning off one of them 'cycle cops' lol,down near some nature park by me,again he wasnt that bothered. He asked about foxes and if id seen anyone doing owt? Said i hadnt and that i didnt do that stuff and he let me on my way after looking at the dogs. Worst do i ha
  2. I will join you 2 down the pub,im not drowning my sorrows though,that married bird i was seeing has just give me my marching orders,she "wants to concentrate on her marriage" :stinker: sorry to hear about your accident fraggle,and its a bummer when your marriage breaks up gunman,been there got the mental scars. Things can only get better though fellas
  3. Take it from me there will always be people willing to have a go at you,your young and learning,thats the important bit. Im 45 and only got into lurchers about 7 years ago,im not "real deal" in a lot of peoples eyes,i dont care what people think of me as a hunter,and as you get older you wont either. Have fun,show an interest, cos young uns like your self are the future of this game.
  4. another pic Back home for a bone each yeah i know me carpets old,dont mention it So we will be back up the hills later tonight,not much happening local
  5. 'wizza' getting ready to do some bushing. Jack waiting for something to bolt from the cover still waiting We had a couple of things come out the cover but
  6. Carpet munchers sorry but its not what i was thinking of
  7. she didnt listen did she?? It would of been quicker for someone to nip round the lads hoose and sort it out for you's
  8. Right so its new year,happy new year ye bunch of loons,less drinking and more of the hunting,and stop the bitching for fucks sake
  9. This topic caught my eye,whats the jacket made of? Like in laymans terms,is it like a wax cotton or is it more of a goretex jobby,im just thinking about the weight factor cos sometimes i have to leg it rather rapidly, back to the car which can be a few hills and valleys away.
  10. Kin ell,lol. pest control obviously? Why use the choppers though? Is it because of the vast territory? or is it just easier to get bigger kills that way?
  11. Welcome to the site mate,if youre genuine and open minded you will be accepted into the realms of a sometimes bitter,confusing and funny site. But were all people with a kindred spirit and a love of hunting. If you intend to do any reporting of this site just remember that. All the best and i hope you enjoy your time here
  12. Most of mine were found in the 'system restore' is this a common place for them to be? Anyone know?
  13. Nar whin am not from down there mate,im by the banks o the tyne
  14. If i go back mmmmmmmmmm bout 23 years ago? I didnt have any lurchers,but my brother in law and his mate davy and another lad,whose name escapes me,had a couple of lurchers,i can only remember one of the dogs was called 'blue'. Anyway we had a do round chirnside and the fields were lifting,never seen nowt like it to this day, them 2 dogs took near enough a hundred but to be honest ive been back up that way and not seen nowhere near as many the amount we seen that night. That night and that dog,'blue' was what got me into the dogs,amazing dog. But theres just not the numbers these days man.
  15. Ive had a quick look round some of the lenders and theyre offering mortgages anywhere between 3.5% up to 6.5%,normally the bigger deposit you can put down the better interest rate you get,it dosent always work like that though. Personally id go with a repayment mortgage as opposed to an endownment mortgage,my brother in law paid his endownment mortgage for 20 years,at the end of it he still had to pay £8,000 to clear his mortgage,because the endownment hadnt performed as well as expected'.
  16. wheres my popcorn Hoi!!! :realmad: MA fkn popcorn.... get your own!!! ......... crunch... crunch crunch.. hey i bought it, you have to share Im just glad your brother aint making the popcorn
  17. Ive just installed the free version of 'Avast' and its removed 8 adware and 3 trojans that my norton couldnt detect Just do a search for 'avast' seems a canny one to me?
  18. if you get a peanut down my top i sharnt be best pleased stops chucking peanuts
  19. Getting bored Start chucking peanuts at everyone
  20. Is it a shakespeare thing then?
  21. Grabs a front row seat next to micky and georgia, (ye aint getting none of my popcorn tho )
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