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Everything posted by donk

  1. Right,been talking to someone on here,and reading some things and ive decided im going to try my 2 lurchers on meat rather than dry complete. What im planning to do is get a supply of raw and introduce it to the dogs over a couple of weeks,eventually getting them off a dry complete altogether. What am i looking for in a raw meat/feed? Do i get a mixture of minced meats/tripe? Or do i get one type and keep them on that? Any suggestions? I understand that i may have to worm them more,thats not a problem. What i dont want to have to do is to start fannying about mixing stuff into
  2. I didn't know your name was Stalone im more of your Mr Bean than stallone when it comes to physique Seriously though,im not arsed whether theyre shot or dogged,snaring catches more than either method and requires a lot of input. Its a case of each to their own. I must admit i have a hell of a lot of respect for the fox. They are an amazing creature,survival instincts are incredible,adaptability to the environment,the speed of them,the courage they show. There were times i actually admired the way a fox out witted my dogs and made its escape,clever fellas sometimes.
  3. Thats them,an amazingly simple but effective piece of kit. I was telling a lad round my way bout them a while back after he'd lost 18 hens,he was very sceptical,lol. Ijust said 'fair enough'. He was going to catch the rogue 'his own way' As far as i know he still hasnt caught it
  4. well its just horses for courses innit??? Me?? i like to get up close and personal when im doing my killing
  5. Gorgeous eyes ;-)

  6. Crackin idea, theres no room on here for puppy dealers. It wont affect the genuine lads/lasses who work their dogs and breed off workin stuff. Prepare for the 'nit pickers' to start moaning about it though,come on,we all know whats meant by this and why its been put up.
  7. So what sort of percentage would a dog need if its not worked ? I would say 18-20% Kay. And remember there is a difference between animal and vegetable based protien in dry dog food...animal based is better for muscle etc. Also check the fat, in a working dog, it will be about 18% (I think) you only need about 6% for none working Donk....you have never been tough all the years ive known you, just a pussy cat Nar nar HC,im a totally and utterly horrible man Ive just got a bit of a soft and gentle side to me
  8. Excellent work lads. Did you use your ground hook thingy? forgot what you call it now? Healthy lookin specimens they were as well
  9. lol,i used to be,but your right im not these days,thats a story for another time and another thread though
  10. hell,i really need to start understanding what this food shennanigans is all about,thanks for the replies all. Im gonna try a few more feeds then start gtting tough
  11. Whilst what you've written is true, wouldn't you rather that your dog actually enjoyed its food?? Of course thats why i feed mine raw, the point i was making is that if you allow a fussy dog to dictate what it eats, you can end up with a very limited selection of feeds, not all of which will be nutritionally sound. It's the same principle as allowing children to only eat processed foods, and cooking whatever they choose. Slippery slope. I know what you mean by 'the slippery slope'. Thing is if i do that my bitch naffs off when were out and ends up eating something thats de
  12. well,ive been offline for a few days and i come back to this Firstly,if he was arrested,which still hasnt been proven,one of the first things the police would do is take his pc. These days its the easiest way of dropping yourself in it. Then they would retrieve all the pictures,posts,pm's, e-mails etc.etc. print them off and produce them as evidence. That is a fact people,been there got the t-shirt. Secondly,ive hunted with Ianb and millet,top fellas,straight talkers,if your shit they tell you,if your good,they tell you. No way would these lads ever do what has been suggested.
  13. Cheers for that bunson. Read another thread 6 pages away from this one lol. 'Gain' for greyhounds seems to be getting good reports,i'll have to have a look around the local suppliers see whats readily available.
  14. Advice needed please. Ive had my 2 lurchers on 'connollys red mills' for greyhounds,more or less since ive got them. The reason i chose this one is the high protein content (27%) which i have been told is an important factor in running dog health. On top of the dry stuff i also feed them 2 tins of pilchards or mackerel in oil,once or twice a week,and they get any scraps that are left off cooking or that i dont eat. My problem is this,the dogs have recently been just sniffing at their food and picking at it,they dont seem to wolf it down the way they used to? The last fortnight ive been of
  15. Im always getting dirty pm's,but i keep them secret
  16. donk

    What lost this?

    Your all wrong,ive seen this before. The species originated in the Lancashire area,more specifically liverpool. Their not really a specific breed,more of a 'type'. Must of been about 15 years ago when they first started becoming fairly common. Trouble is they bred like wild fire,that would explain why they are found all over the UK now. There fairly easy to catch and not very tasty to eat. They were missed off the hunting bill and bypassed by the ban,so its still legal to course them,though it is a good idea to practice 'catch and release'. Check around the area where you found
  17. Just picked this up for when i go rabbitting The beddy x will be driving,im on the .50 cal and the lurcher will be inside waiting to let rip with a few frags
  18. Im sorry to hear that mate,but you know your dog and whats best. All the best for the future
  19. Your a card you are Thank you,ive been called a lot worse
  20. well i like to think i would always help a lady in distress,or who wasnt 'getting owt' off her fella,lol
  21. naughty naughty playing with other peoples wifes lol well,she wasnt getting nowt off him,and she was a fit bird :tongue4: yeah i know its wrong, shame its ended,but i guess i will just have to get one thats into hunting so ive got someone to carry the game bag
  22. Dunno all the ins and outs of the story,i can see both sides of the argument.End of the day i wouldnt have left me dogs,never have done and i never will do. Id rather take a good kicking than let me dogs get shot,thats just me tho.
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