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Everything posted by donk

  1. blaine goes out with the local dog walker for a couple of hours every morning after i go to work! off lead and unmuzzled and hes fine, and hes fine when i take him out of and evening to! he has coursed a couple of joggers on the common though! lol! Yeah but joggers are fair game arent they?
  2. blaine goes out with the local dog walker for a couple of hours every morning after i go to work! off lead and unmuzzled and hes fine, and hes fine when i take him out of and evening to! he has coursed a couple of joggers on the common though! lol! Yeah but joggers are fair game arent they?
  3. donk


    Electrolysis or waxing strips,cant beat a good back crack and sack
  4. Only time you would have to do that is if your dog attacked other dogs,socialised properly your dog shouldnt need it. Dogs normally know the difference between hunting prey and playing with other dogs.
  5. donk

    new start

    Best of luck hyperion,i know from past experience its not easy walking out of something you know and into the unknown. All the best with whatever you do
  6. I used to deliver to Border fine arts,top quality gear and hand painted. I used to love watching them painting the different figurines.
  7. thanks for the replies chaps! thought it was me just bein soft but most of the lads i know hit their dogs and i think there only doin more damage! Ive pulled people for hitting their dogs,not just twatting them,but really booting them Some have been 'dog lads', but most have been just idiots with pets. The last fella i pulled was walking a dalmatian,the dog pulled to one side to have a piss against a fence,he lost the plot shouting at it,the dog dropped to the ground and lay flat on its side,the fella then started booting it and dragging it by the lead. Poor fukin dog was scared
  8. Right,ive managed to find a local supplier of frozen raw 'green tripe' and frozen raw chicken mince,ive also managed to find a place in sunderland,which aint too far from me,where i can go in and pick stuff up. The fella i spoke to says,'we do the lot mate'. so im goin up there on monday morning to check out his 'cheaper than your pet shop' prices. Just one moan,someone could of told me how much the tripe stinks On the positive side,when i came in the door and up the stairs of me flat the dogs went mental,sticking their noses in the bags and jumping all over me A good sign methinks
  9. Nope,sometimes it can be hard not to. The way i think of it is basically that the dog just dosent understand,and thats your fault for being a bad teacher,just my opinion though
  10. Me old fella was a para,served in the middle east and various other places. He always said the regiment made him the person he was. He was only a skinny little fella,hard as nails though. Used to take the piss out of the lads who came home on leave and got pissed up using the excuse of stress relief, He wears different wings these days,god rest his soul.
  11. I hate my mother in law. Kev. i dont hate mine,though she was a pain in the ass,fortunately i dont see her no more or my ex-wife Aint life grand?
  12. What about faults from previous generations of sires and dams? How far back would you have to go to be certain that no genetic faults would be reproduced in later generations? If you catch my drift? (cos reading it back ive just confused my self lol)
  13. so foxes dont kill for food then?...I spose they eat at macdonalds then get together and decide to go beat up some pheasants Funnily enough where i am the foxes do raid the bins and scour the carpark at mcdonalds I once videoed a vixen carrying a 'Greggs' bag with a pie or pastie in it back to her young,a few days later i managed to entice a cub out of the sett by placing a pastie near the sett and hiding in the hedge.
  14. Just had a look at the uk barf site and found a local supplier,be down there in the morning to check out some prices
  15. Its set very finely that snare,"hair trigger" on it
  16. I was interested when this topic first went up to see what the replies were going to be? I think its unfortunate that there have been so few replies,which means either of two things to me, 1) its a boring topic,which its obviously not as there are loads of people on here who are breeders!! 2) people are afraid to comment,or dont have enough knowledge to comment,on the subject. Just think its funny how so many can advertise "pups from good working lines" or dogs that are "taking all quarry" and yet there are very few replies to what i expected to be a 20 page long topic by now??
  17. donk


    Im in the north eastexshire,land of black gold and the coaly tyne which according to jimmy nail,was a big river,but that was long ago,thats not now,thats not now,but the river will rise again. pmsl
  18. Pick the right woman and marriage is a wonderful thing,get the wrong one and it can be a nightmare,all the best.
  19. I lost mine a while back well. . . . . . . . . . . actually i threw it away if anyone wants to go find it with their metal detector ,take a wetsuit and snorkel,its in the River Tyne
  20. I'd be honest about it and tell her mate,it may be found yet,but honesty is the basis of any relationship.
  21. End of the day i love being out and about,wether its camping,with the dogs,climbing,shooting,collecting conkers for the kids,i just love being out there. Its nice to see this topic has stayed fairly civil,nice change. All i know is that whatever we do we should all be together when it comes to bans and restrictions on our way of life.Wether its shooting,dogging,fishing,whatever. I know most of us are and thats good,i dont do anywhere near as much hunting as most people,but i will always back up a fellow hunter. All the best peeps
  22. wow,dunno what else to say Some truly magical fotos there,natural beauty and nothing recreated. Well done
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