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Everything posted by donk

  1. Im too skinny and too old to freeze to death,i had the dogs on the bed with me last nite b@st@rds kept nicking the quilt Anyway im getting a new heating system soon,its the big fat lass down the street that fancies me,she'll do til i can afford a new boiler :clapper: I am always froze , can i have the old boiler then i dont have one at all, a broken ones better than none £50 Quid and its yours :D
  2. Ewwww :sick: I'd rather freeze! Yeah me too to be honest :laugh: Its my golden rule since ive been single,NO FAT BIRDS :laugh:
  3. I have been known to post some risky pics,but not on this site :laugh: :laugh:
  4. Im too skinny and too old to freeze to death,i had the dogs on the bed with me last nite b@st@rds kept nicking the quilt Anyway im getting a new heating system soon,its the big fat lass down the street that fancies me,she'll do til i can afford a new boiler :clapper:
  5. Well im not daft enough to put a pic up of my nuts am i?? Bloody typical though its f@ckin freezin,i needed a shower and the f@ckin heating is nackered. Who was the first one to wanna see my nuts???? :clapper:
  6. donk


    The woman who lives next door to me has night terrors , she wakes up screaming & the first time i heard it i couldnt sleep that night it was blood curdling Yeah,i do all that apparently,and more
  7. donk


    Sleeping,well not actually sleeping,but my dreams/nite terrors/nitemares whatever you wanna call them :crazy:
  8. Never trust a woman who wont spit in your mouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with passion
  9. Milf hunting After that i love ferretting with the dogs,need to get some more stinkers
  10. I guess a lot of people on here have forgotten what its like to be young and keen and a part of something judging by some of the replies on here.
  11. That happened to me last time i put a pic of a snared fox up,i never actually saw the online edition of the paper and the pic got pulled from the paper before it got printed,think it was chilli who pm'd me about it? Still got that pic somewhere.
  12. As good as it is i dont think bum fun will ever replace the feeling of a nice warm moist pussy,slowly grinding away at your pork sword. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh yes,i remember the feeling like it was yesterday and not over a f*/%kin month ago
  13. ok i can drop the submissive bit i guess as long as you dont want me to be submissive We'll have none of that mularky in my kennel (flat)
  14. My wifes for sale shes getting on abit but still does the job sire thinks he owns my house dam needs her batteries taking out her ares cant shut up or swap for a good terrier dam,ive just got no terriers,how about one of my ex wifes cats??????
  15. Im a 45 year old hetrosexual male,2 lurchers and 2 kids (neither of whom live with me,kids that is,of course the dugs live with me). Own car,own flat,employed in manufacturing. Would like to meet:- women around my age who are :tongue4: for a bit of :wankerzo4: :kiss: no :piggy: or lard arses need apply. NVQ in carrying game bags would be of benefit Must be totally submissive OOps wrong site :11: :11: :11: :11: :11:
  16. What makes me laugh is the feckers who pick it up,put it in a bag,then sling the bag into the trees or bushes?????? WTF is that all about????
  17. Theres nowt like catching ginjas in snares I remember when woodga showed me how to do it,im still not as good as woodga,but i went from 2 caught in one season,to 17 caught in the next season Only reason i went into snaring is cos the antis got dogging the ginjas banned,most i ever had in one season with the dogs was 6. Its funny though,everytime i snare a fox i chuckle to myself,cos i know if the antis hadnt banned doggin them i probably wouldnt be catching as many with the dogs as what im now doing with the snares Nice going red dog,keep at it
  18. Just an update on the situation. Both dogs are now on raw minced chicken and tripe on alternate days. Im still putting a little bit complete in with this,but its only to use it up,once its gone i wont be buying anymore. There has been a couple of 'chucking up' incidents off the younger dog,but hes settled down now and both dogs now eat all their food in one go rather than picking at their dry stuff,lol. The smell of the tripe is a bit off putting,but once its been eaten the smell goes. The dogs shits are smaller and well formed and as expected the dogs are drinking a lot less water. Im plea
  19. Woodga on here makes all kinds of snares,pm him,his are the best ive used
  20. See im in a predicament here I want more ferrets cos i think its the only way im going to get my permission back or get new permission,but. Im not keen keeping them indoors cos of the smell Also im single but looking,if you know what i mean? So when ive had lasses back in the past its not been too bad,though the flat does smell of dogs,but if i get stinkers and put them indoors the place is probably gonna honk even more? I think im going to have to save up a bit more and move somewhere where i have a bit garden or back yard?
  21. Anyone keep their stinkers indoors? Its the only option ive got at the moment,til i get moved !!!!!!!
  22. Mine had one/has one, my proper vet (not the one who diagnosed the murmur) just shook her head after testing my bitch and said,its common and wont affect the dogs ability to work or its general well being,lol. I love that vet of mine
  23. blaine goes out with the local dog walker for a couple of hours every morning after i go to work! off lead and unmuzzled and hes fine, and hes fine when i take him out of and evening to! he has coursed a couple of joggers on the common though! lol! Yeah but joggers are fair game arent they? Even those that hunt???? just messin [bANNED TEXT]
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