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Everything posted by donk

  1. Im afraid the only time ive had a lady in the woods there wasnt much hunting getting done
  2. It dosent matter what kind of forum youre a part of theres always a section like this,i dont mind it,in fact sometimes i think its funny as f@ck Mind i dont have a telly so im easily pleased and entertained
  3. Well said Holdaway At the end of the day you wouldnt go out with a loaded gun if you had no prior knowledge of how to use it,so dont do the same thing with a snare,simple.
  4. its like being back at school :laugh:
  5. A roe has a lot more weight to it than a fox,hence the breakaway would breakaway,but if your worried about catching roe in your fox snares, i cant see how you can be worried about it to be honest there is no way a roe deer would be caught in a fox snare,even a badly set one
  6. Aaaaahh your a lucky man
  7. Its poor little me trying to get in out the cold :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  8. Confused Totally :clapper:
  9. My father was from aberdeen,my mother was from galway bay, i live in england,wtf am i? :clapper:
  10. Or how about we bury them in the ground up to their knecks and stone them,publicly There are simple and cost effective ways of dealing with scum.
  11. A snare set properly to catch fox wouldnt catch a roe deer,and snares wouldnt be set if dogs were running about on the land. Both my dogs come with me when i set snares for ginjas,when we return to check the snares the dogs dont run down the runs to investigate the snares as i have them on the lead.
  12. I might get one of them,ive applied for a loan cos im going to get a new combi and radiators fitted,but in the mean time an electric blanket would keep the fat lasses away
  13. I work with some of these immigrants and yeah theyre different to us,that dont make them all bad. Ive got lads doing work that British lads have turned their noses up at,shifts that british lads wont do,for wages that british lads "wouldnt get out of bed for". Working weekends and doing 7 days graft,cos british lads need time to go on the piss. I'd love to have more british lads working with me. Fact is they wont do the graft,even in the current economic climate. Im in the steel industry,we get fuckd over nearly every month in one way or another,no ones job is safe so you have to take what
  14. Yeh ive just woke up set my alarm for 6pm cos i was gonna go out but i think the bloody thing froze :laugh:
  15. Ive been on face book NOT DOWN AT THE FAT LASSES And then i went to bed,by myself,to keep warm
  16. donk


    F@ck im on the wrong site again,i thought this was hornybitches.com :laugh:
  17. If you were any kind of friends one of you nice ladies would offer to keep me warm anyway :laugh: ;)
  18. My young dog cracked his lower jaw on his second hare (pre ban) Lost his lower front teeth and an upper fang,vet sorted him out and hes been ok on most stuff since. I know the nose is different to the lower jaw,but it hasnt stopped him doing anything.
  19. I dont see any problems in getting a pup off anyone,i dont hunt regular with mine cos ive got no permission of my own,the dogs still have a good life. Not everyone on here is out every week hunting,i think were called the dog walkers by some :laugh: :clapper:
  20. she might be the one I want spit,not drool Knew that would come back to haunt me :laugh:
  21. Yuk,nar, she really is big,i mean BIG,like sweaty rash big :sick: Anyway its been that long i wouldnt know what to do these days Sweaty rash .... LMAO .... :laugh: I bet her thighs are on fire for you (either that or from all the chaffing ....). Go on, you know you want to, don't knock it till you've knocked it Nar nar nar,i mean f@ckin nar Me missus went fat and she was the last fatty im ever doing Just think,ive been fat free for nearly 4 years now,i must be fit as f@ck :boogie:
  22. I dont think i want that kind of loving,i might get hurt :laugh:
  23. Im too skinny and too old to freeze to death,i had the dogs on the bed with me last nite b@st@rds kept nicking the quilt Anyway im getting a new heating system soon,its the big fat lass down the street that fancies me,she'll do til i can afford a new boiler :clapper: I am always froze , can i have the old boiler then i dont have one at all, a broken ones better than none £50 Quid and its yours :D i only want to weigh it in lol i'll leave it out in the back lane for you,bring the horse and cart round tomorro Yuk,nar, she really is big,i
  24. I have been known to post some risky pics,but not on this site :laugh: :laugh: Link? Erm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i dunno how to put links up
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