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Everything posted by donk

  1. The experience still brings a tear to my eye,the pain,the pride,the sense of loss at not being able to see the mighty beast that stirred my emotions in such a way :laugh: :laugh:
  2. donk


    You speak so fondly of you ex Mrs And you wonder why you can't find a new woman.............. Its a long and boring story that i cant be arsed to tell no more :laugh:
  3. donk


    My ex reckons our marriage broke down cos i thought more of the dogs and spent more time with them than her If the fat c**t had been able to catch rabbits there wouldnt of been a problem would there? :clapper:
  4. Give me £20 's worth of whatever you are taking mate :clapper:
  5. Just put mine on raw minced beef/tripe/chicken, i pay £21 for 60 packs of it,they shit less,piss less and seem happy with it. Prior to going onto raw i used connollys redmills but the dogs stopped eating it
  6. donk


    Son,daughter and grandaughter 1st,dogs 2nd,rest of my family 3rd. Partner/wife/girlfriend last cos i cant find one that dont mind me hunting
  7. Kin ell ,ye learn something new everyday on here freezer bags eh?
  8. This fella came around when i was delivering in me van down London (can you see him?) Ive found the urban foxes round my way to be pretty piss wise when it comes to being chased,seen them spin the dogs inside out all over the rugby fields and football fields down my way (woodga will know where im on about). Dont know if theyre any easier to catch,certinly easier to get closer to,well until theyve had a chase. I used to sit on the dark field and ambush them as they came off the housing estate,good sport with patient dogs.
  9. Anyone know if the bookies are giving odds on this????
  10. I'll stick to the cant be arsed with the these days,im battle weary :crazy:
  11. Put us all in the same bar and there would either be one massive punch up or a lot of good mates made :laugh: :laugh: :clapper:
  12. ooooooooooohhhhh hellooooooooooo :tongue4:
  13. It will be the rats trying to get into your nice warm electrically heated bed :clapper:
  14. Im not going to tell any of the poles at my place that,they'll all be f*****g off and coming back Edited to add:- and yeah if i could get away with it id be doing excatly the same
  15. Ive no problems with pakistani, indians,africans,poles or any other race as long as they stick to our rules and contribute to our country, as for spouting shite man it was a very hard working polish lad that told me this country is briliant he made £22,000 tax free he only needs to leave the country for a bit then come back and it starts over again, he's had two kids with his polish wife over here they will receive benifits till they are sixteen even when he goes home so spout your shite some where else Wasnt having a go at your post,only commenting on the whole thread. As far as spout
  16. Im not getting personal mate,fact is the breakaways work,ive used them,and i have never had non target species caught in them. If were now talking about muntjac then i can see where your coming from,sort of,im not in a position to comment on muntjac as we dont have any round these parts. Personally i dont have much of a problem with any non target species because of the land i snare and my knowledge of that land. If you apply your knowledge of your land when you are setting the breakaways im sure you will minimise even further the risk of catching non target species. Good luck with it
  17. Mebbes thats why the man came up with breakaways then I have never ever caught nothing but foxes in a snare ive set for fox. Whats your motive here? If you are worried about catching deer in a properly set fox snare i suggest you stop snaring. Because you are not competent enough to be using snares.
  18. All the immigrants i work with pay tax to the British government,and national insurance. One African lad then has 60% of his net pay deducted by his own government for the upkeep of his wife and children back home. (i cant remember which country he is from,he says its an old french law,so i presume its one of the french colonies). A lot of the lads,and myself if im honest,used to say he was just a greedy c**t,and a lot of the lads didnt like him for that reason. (It makes no difference if i like them or not,as their gaffer i have to be impartial). But,then when the reason became clear as
  19. Mebbes if we didnt bomb their countries,impose economic sanctions upon them and invade them they might stay where they were born??? Or is that too easy?????
  20. donk


    F@ckin hell mate,thats what i call a real barbecue :laugh: :clapper:
  21. donk


    Using the "upload an image from your pc" facility,you should be able to click the "browse" button and access your pics on your pc from there mate
  22. There needs to be sections like this to discuss/debate other stuff. Its educational and informative,it expands your mind and helps others to express their opinions,and to me thats got to be good. It would be a piss poor site if all we ever talked about was the correct height to set a snare,the right age to enter a pup,which ammo to use,can a BOP do this or that? All of which are very interesting subjects,but,life isnt always about hunting. I go on a philosophy forum/chat,not because im into philosophy,but because its good craic. Its like this place,theres some really educated or
  23. donk


    At the top of the page in bold letters click on "My controls" Anew page comes up,in the left hand colum you will see a heading 'personal profile' under that heading is "edit avatar settings" click on that. Another new page pops up and what i do is load an image from my pc using the "upload an image from your computer" facility.
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