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Everything posted by donk

  1. I think my lad is probably better than me now.
  2. My son went through the same phase,hes 18 now and hardly ever puts the guitar down. His drive and ambition comes from the old 'women find it attractive' thing,lol bless him
  3. Undi. Im 45 so im cracking on a bit i guess. Yeah i tried to kid myself that i was going to be the next guitar virtuoso,soon realised i dont have the speed or the dexterity to achieve that level. Ive also found that although people are impressed by fast guitar playing that it gets a bit boring for them after the first few songs,too self indulgent methinks? People like to hear popular bouncy,dancey sing a long types of songs,something they can get involved in? Or something they can chill to after a smoke Quo? Millionaires on 3 or 4 chords !!!!!!!!! makes you think dont it?
  4. I think the best advice for anyone wanting to learn is to take things easy. Start slowly and learn the easier stuff first,there are songs that only use 2 or 3 chords. Learn them first,its a good feeling when you learn your first song. Also dont be put off thinking learning guitar is too hard,its not. Dont fool yourself into thinking you will be the next Clapton,Satriani,slash within a few weeks,you wont be. But, its within most peoples grasp to be able to play a few songs within the first month or so. My son wasnt too interested in learning until he realised that women seem to be impresse
  5. thats what the hole in the middle of the guitar is for,its really a big ashtray
  6. Takamine electro acoustic for the more mellow stuff and doing a bit writing. Just as an after thought,anyone wanting to learn guitar could do worse than checking out this site. www.justinguitar.com The guy is very versatile and easy to follow.
  7. 'Old black bess' My 1982 ibanez artist,wicked sound on her.
  8. Making love all weekend with the odd break for food and drink
  9. donk


    Not a hunting story but a fishing tale. Last year i went to a place called 'isle of whithorn' for a bit of sea fishing. I'd been there a couple of times with my dad when i was about 15-16 years old and had always said i would go back there some day because the fishing had been that good. Anyway as the years passed by i never got back over there,done the family thing with the missus and the kids,spain etc. My dad died of cancer 11 years ago and left a massive void in my life. When my marriage broke up i decided to go round the country a bit seeing the sights and meeting new people. So l
  10. Hes a beautiful looking dog DG, very similar to one of mine,all the best with him
  11. Very head strong bitch mine was,would hunt up like a c**t if she missed a rabbit Very brave little bitch though,protects me and my other dog from undesireable people,cows,sheep,horses and other dogs. Never quite got to grips with foxes pre-ban,ive seen her on a gingers back but not wanting to get a good hold on them. She is a yapper as well if she chased a fox pre-ban. Although that never bothered me as i knew if she opened up that she was onto a fox or had one in cover ,which i always thought was handy if she was working cover and i couldnt see her. Has been an excellent
  12. Yeah my dogs go a bit mental on the beach too Theres a good chippy in Amble as well for when the appetite kicks in Couple of more pics.
  13. donk

    name and shame

    Just for the record,the police dont need evidence to enter your property and remove your pc,they just do it if thet have reasonable 'suspicion' that you have done something wrong.
  14. Pmsl I would be so honoured if you would do that for little old me
  15. Yeh im back up this way mate,we will have to have a dodge out sometime when the season kicks off again,oh and ive still got that dvd you loaned me,how long ago was that? About 5 years ago? :clapper: yeah definately mate, did you miss the cold........... .................what dvd was it again???? yeah i missed the cold The dvd was lurchermania, not that you will be needing it,what with you being 'king dogman' now
  16. Yeh im back up this way mate,we will have to have a dodge out sometime when the season kicks off again,oh and ive still got that dvd you loaned me,how long ago was that? About 5 years ago? :clapper:
  17. Its basically a lurcher x lurcher, bred by peterthebeater who used to get on here,the sire and dam were good dogs but to be honest ive not been able to put the work in front of him that he deserves.
  18. No pics of ducks,just the dogs,the beach and a nice walk out at Amble/ warkworth beach.
  19. Bad news,you know whats best for her,remember the good times,dont make her suffer.
  20. Passions are being aroused This season already has a massive positive,we got rid of Ashleys monkey boy,dennis wise. And i dont care what anyone says about the lack of trophies or money grabbing,were Geordies and were excited about Big Al being appointed to the position. We havent got the backing of multi billionaires and we cant chuck money at players,IF we do well we will do it through sheer grit and determination. If we go down,we will go down,but we will still have our pride. Money rules the game much more than it ever did and the richer clubs will always do well. Shearer dos
  21. donk

    So Proud

    Its a marvellous feeling when your kids make you proud of them by doing something like this. Well done Mr and Mrs Kay on raising a fine young lad,and well done young jimmy for having ambition and pride in himself
  22. All i know for certain is that the lad is 100 % newcastle through and through,regardless of the lack of trophies the lad has a passion not often seen in a lot of players of today. He cant be faulted for his effort and commitment when he was a player at Newcastle. As for his managerial skills? well only time will tell,yeah im nervous about his appointment but what we got to lose? Were looking like were going down,mebbes Mr Shearer can stop that? Who knows?
  23. Things are looking better already,Dennis the menace has left :clapper: :clapper:
  24. Danny you have nowt to prove kidda,the comp was run and won mate,you and brucey boy done well,good game,good game. As for mark and kat,they done well to get to the final,shame there hasnt been a "well done" from him on here,might of stopped a lot of the bitching eh?
  25. Kin ell,tracey please dont sell your house to the poles or this thread will run longer than the lamping comp one,lol.
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