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Everything posted by donk

  1. donk

    I need a bird

    Kin ell mate youre having worse luck than me :clapper: I had one tell me she was pregnant :laugh:
  2. donk

    I need a bird

    I might know that, but i'm sure its other attributes you've got that she wants.......................... Never thought she might be after me dogs
  3. donk

    I need a bird

    She must like it really rough if she's with you donk............... :clapper: you know im a sweet thing really
  4. donk

    I need a bird

    Aaaaaah yes,the eternal search for the soulmate The endless quest to find the lady who takes her chewing gum out of her mouth before popping parts of your anatomy in there The one who behaves like an angel in front of your mates,but is an animal in the bedroom and a wizard in the kitchen It's like the search for the holy grail,you get all kitted up,new shirt,new strides,down to the dentist for a quick scrape and polish. Brush up on the old chat up lines Scrape the old rabbit gunk from under your finger nails,wash the dogs in case you get lucky and they actually come back to y
  5. donk


    Been getting them since i was a kid,thing that works for me is called 'imigran' apparemtly its a man made opiate? well trippy but gets rid of them. Been trying some alternatives lately,like drinking a pint of water straight off then massaging my ears and sinuses,also massaging my whole head,yeah i know its a bit hippyish but it seems to work fairly well.
  6. donk


    That looks like the one im after Cheers for that matey
  7. donk


    Im in the north east of england,i'd heard that after so many years you could get a free one,its been about 4 years mebbes more since i left her. Its a piggin minefield just trying to find out about stuff
  8. donk


    P.M.S.L. Are you speaking from expierence Swamper. Mars... the sister was the better looking one anyway.......... My ex dont have any sisters,but she does have 5 massive brothers
  9. donk


    Excellent Now that dosent seem too hard to do,cheers for that stormforce
  10. donk


    Flipping heck Exactly the kind of costs im trying to avoid. Thanks for the reply though mate.
  11. donk


    I'm wanting to get divorced but not sure how to go about it? I've heard you can do it yourself,even heard you can do it online these days? Me and the ex have been seperated for 4 and a half years now,kids are up,she got the house which i signed over to her through a solicitor and i started again. Theres no money or property to fight over and we still get on to a certain degree. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as to how i start the whole process off? I'd rather not use solicitors too much though i realise i might need to at some point. All advice greatly apprecia
  12. donk


    Well i cant really moan as im in a new relationship and everythings fuking fantastic at the moment Were still in that 'doing it everywhere and anywhere' period. She is nice,polite,educated and seems very level headed,probably wont last much longer as she is way out of my league to be honest Still,its about enjoying each others company and having good times together ,isn't it?
  13. Hope youre all having a good un? Me? I,m having a Thai curry,a bottle of french red wine and later i will be making love to my 'english rose' of a girlfriend. Oh yes,its good being an englishman Have a good un everyone
  14. donk


    Powder painter in metal fabrication,been on a basic week for a while but overtime is back on next week
  15. Probably worth a look judging by your avatar! Ive been told by the new girlfriend im not allowed to put them up :laugh:
  16. Nowt wrong with a nose at peoples profiles By the way the nude pics of me are on mine for all those that asked for them,
  17. Dunno if i will make it down there or not,depends what is happening with the "english teacher",she said she was going to be going down to dunstable to see her sister,looks like she might of changed her mind
  18. If PTB gets the beers in i will show my arse on this site,hes got pockets deeper than mineshafts :laugh:
  19. a bit like salukis tempremental so av heard you mean only listern when they want to I find most women are like that,mind you cant really blame them,us blokes talk some shite :D
  20. whats wrong with arab women like?
  21. Canicalm, neearly had to get rid of mine until i got 2 canicalm shock collars. They work on the vibration and noise of the howl or bark. Stopped my dogs within a couple of days. They emit a warning beep,then a longer beep,then a shock. The sensitivity of the pick up can be adjusted and also the amount of shock a dog gets. Tried the spray ones and the sound ones,didnt work for me though.
  22. I think you'll find, Donkers, that the duck in question is the Lesser Spotted Made-In-China Rubber Duck Oooooh its getting political now,china,tibet, this thread is gonna run forever now Of course i knew it was the chinese rubber duck. . . . . . i just didnt want to bring this thread into the political arena
  23. Its an outrage i say,an outrage Thats it im jacking in hunting and joining the cause to save "the lesser spotted Tibetan rubber duck".I have had my moment of clarity,my destination is now clear
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