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Everything posted by donk

  1. Sorry i aint got any more pics, i was going to do the whole show but batteries died It was a brilliant turn out though despite the blustery weather and a bit of a shower just as the under 23 inch rough coated lurchers went into the ring. Seen a few faces but not as many as i had hoped? Well done to all concerned with the running and organising of the day
  2. Winner of the 'Rough bitch under 23" ' Micky and 'kizzy'
  3. Its a 12 o clock start. If youre coming from Gateshead along the felling bypass turn left when you get to Heworth roundabout. At the next roundabout turn right. There is a bridge over the metro line, but its only wide enough for one vehicle at a time so dont go speeding over it. Obviously if your coming from the other direction (A19, sunderland) turn right at heworth roundabout then right at the next roundabout. Parking can be a bit tight sometimes so it might be advisable, (depending on how many turn up) to park near the shops or in Aldi car park and walk over the bridge?
  4. I shall be attending,dont think i shall have the legends with me, might take the camera for the show ponies though.
  5. F@ckin toothache aaaarrrggghhhhhh

  6. My beddy x certainly has the nose and the heart.
  7. I've seen some of Darcys books,good photos, im not a book reader though so i cant comment on the content of his writings. All i would suggest is that the bloke must have done his fair share of hunting judging by his presence on here,his photos, and the company of the lads and lasses he has kept through the years, some of whom i have had the pleasure of hunting with. If the bloke wants to share his experiences i dont see any harm in that? As long as no one is depicted doing wrong wheres the harm? As someone said earlier,there may be a bit of a green eyed monster in some posts?
  8. I used to love a day out with the dogs and ferrets,i think its one of the most rewarding kinds of hunting. Nice pics mate.
  9. Never hunted goats and i dont think i would ever want to,its not as if theyre hard to catch? I reckon theres a lot of dog types could catch them, you wouldnt need a racey lurcher type. Ive seen them quite a bit when im out and about Northumberland and the borders. If i was going after them i would be more comfortable using a heavier dog than my lurchers.
  10. Books do have their place in our game,its how i first started learning. Trouble is that books and photos can glorify some aspects of hunting that, to be honest, dont need glorifying. Never judge yourself by what others do,get out there and do it for yourself.
  11. Seen quite a few weird things with foxes,all young uns. Saw 2 foxes stalking a cat but neither had the bottle to tackle it. Also a young un trying to grab a horses tail. A few nights ago i was out lamping and towards the end of the night i let the dogs off to have a bit chill. They both raced off in the direction of the lake and as they ran past this embankment a young fox came over the top of it. The dogs never even noticed the fox, and the fox came straight towards me looking at me as if to question what i was doing there. Daft as owt them young uns.
  12. Jesus i laughed and laughed at that, thanks for the entertainment lads
  13. She's a beautiful lass,wouldnt come near half of us cretins though.
  14. donk

    premier league

    Newcastle united got to play well this season Tonights result ?????? An optimistic 3-2 win for the toon.
  15. Normally i fish just down from International paints,but anywhere along the river between there and the coast.
  16. Pulled a good bag of cod out the Tyne saturday night. 3 around the 5 pound mark, and a couple of smaller ones around the 2-3 pound mark. Using light rod and reel,15lb line,fishing an hour before and 2 hours after high tide, using peeler. ( i told you all to get some) Technique:- i use a light rod and line, use 2-3 ounce barrel weights and a 3/0 fine wire hook. Cast in and let the flow of the river carry your bait up or downstream. Using this method and at the right time (nights are better than days), im getting some good bags lately. Also had some good bags of big eels. I prefer to use t
  17. If you know of a good all round lurcher i'd go with that. Theres a load of bollox talked about this breed and that breed,mine are out of tried and tested working dogs,they never let you down
  18. More stamina than most crosses i'd say. Mine will work all day on ferrets and still want to mooch about on the lamp when im out with the other dog. Not sure if they are over zealous sometimes,like, i mean, they dont know when to stop???? My little bitch has literally done back flips catching rabbits,she's not quick enough for hares,but f**k me she is a demon of a dog in the field,and placid as anyhthin in the house.
  19. Money is a fools short term happiness,i learned that lesson a long time ago. Be happy with your lot and dont get greedy.
  20. That copper was an innocent victim of a f*****g deranged idiot. To my mind moaty didnt deserve a chance,should have been shot at the first sighting of him. Moaty declared war on northumbria police over what his moll said,f*****g idiot!!! Ive mixed with his type up here theyre all f*****g morons. It takes more balls to conduct your self in an appropriate manner than what it does to behave like them steroid using drug taking fuckers. Take my hat off to that copper he turned out the bigger and better man, rant over.
  21. Of course its so very easy to point the finger of blame. None of us are 'whiter than white'. I guess it all boils down to our country of origin, our beliefs and morals and our affiliations? Whatever !!! We are entitled to our opinions and allowed to voice them because of the societies that we have fought to build. Others are not as fortunate. Example:- If i lived in a different country to Britain and my wife was unfaithful, then she would have been stoned to death . As it is,i live in Britain, she was unfaithful and the powers that be made me pay for her upkeep while the fat whore sat on
  22. Theres them that know. . . . . . . . . . .
  23. The house by the river????

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