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About shovel

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Good post Neil. Majority of the time a good size terrier will make it if they want to. I would prefer to dig to a bigger terrier that's trying to get on rather than a smaller terrier that can't hold the quarry when it wants to go.
  2. An unfit terrier can get the job done in light easy places no bother but its when terrier is in ground for a few hrs is when fitness really counts. It's a bit like any sport really. To succeed you have to be at ur best for the whole game not just the first half.
  3. It's a good sign you are gutted when she's gone. It means to think highly of your dogs and treat them well. You looked after her till the end. No more you could have done. Good terriers maybe gone but never forgotten. Atb Shovel.
  4. Sorry to hear about the bitch Fd. She made a good age and was obviously a great terrier to be in the game this long. Hope things improve Atb Shovel.
  5. Agree with the lads above. Had the same problem before when feeding greyhound nuts to terriers. Protein was away to high. Switched to different nuts with 17 percent protein and higher fat content and problem sorted. Raw diet is probably best for any dog but not possible for everyone to do. Hope you can sort it.
  6. Best of luck. I'm across the water from you if you want to send a pup lol lol
  7. Nice strong terrier. in very good condition..Any harm in asking why the man that had him moved him on? Wouldn it be great if we could all get our dogs well bred and coukd collect them when they ready to go ☺ All the best with him. Shovel
  8. Received some Fox nets from Mad4it. Top class nets and excellent man to deal with. All I have to do now is figure out how to use them!! Atb Shovel.
  9. Nice Terrier Had one very similar to her. What's in her breeding,Nuttall stuff ?? Roots are Nuttal's and Cloot'sInteresting how the breeding shows itself 2 bitches from different country's looking the exact same. Good to see dogs working and pictures from other country's Atb Shovel
  10. Nice Terrier Had one very similar to her. What's in her breeding,Nuttall stuff ??
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