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Everything posted by George1990

  1. how could i not know you gaz what you been up to on that bike recently then think i've seen them but it's always good looking what people have and use
  2. Here's what I shoot with. Normally on on Pigeonwatch so you might have seen them before Here's the TX200 And the CZ varmint HMR - bunny basher. Bit dark so not a great piccy. The O/U, a 12b E. Rizzini. Heavy, so for hide and clays. And the SxS - 12b Silver Sable sidelock jobby. Nice n light for rough and roost shooting. There you have it. Let's have a look at yours
  3. I sold a load for 40p a breast Got £24 for 30 birds.
  4. Is either the 170 or 140 scope mounted?
  5. Don't think I'd feel comfortable using anything less than No.6. Anything smaller loses it's momentum too soon so is more likely to wing the bird or just ruffle it's feathers. Though anything less than 5 will probably damage the meat.
  6. New to this forum which I heard about on http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk. Hope to get out there over the Christmas Holidays and I'l post some piccies on here (if i get any )!
  7. Nice one. Is that an E. Rizzini by any chance?? I've got one just like that £295 second hand - can't fault it. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk
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