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About AlfieR

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    North west

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  1. Hello guys am currently working in and around Vienna I would love to get out for any form of hunting, shooting, running dogs literally anything can return the favor with a truck full of fire wood cheers
  2. I'm working over here would love to get out if anyone is shooting or any form Of hunting cheers
  3. Hey guys am working out here in Vienna on the trees, is anyone on here running dogs?? I've seen all sorts out in the feild would love to tag along cheers
  4. Anybody no what the weathers like at the yorkshire game fair or wat it's looking like tomoz?
  5. I had a great day at the show some cracking dogs their didn't do to bad with my bull x either ?
  6. As it says on the title or a full bellman and flint set up not looking to pay through my nose tho cheers
  7. Hello guys am after a beddy whip pup or something that's already going this is for my little brother for him to start and have ago himself so if started would have to have all the right manners good on lead ect, would consider a smallish bull whip aswell nearest to north west as poss
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