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Everything posted by Shamo

  1. Hi L, It's BW can you ring me asap, as I am up your way tomorrow (Sunday) and thought we could meet up and also discuss 'Spike' etc. I do not have a contact number for you anymore. Anyone who knows him pass this on please.
  2. I have just bought a good condition second hand out fit and need the instructions. Anybody have them and would send me a copy of their copy? I have been in touch with 'Jeross' today, but thought I would ask here as a 'back up' just in case. Anyone?
  3. I recently lost my male while out manning him to the Lamp. He spooked and buggered off with no telemetry on. It was local to me and too dark for him to fly any distance...surely?.....WRONG!! Anyway I had spent hours and days looking for him, after having told the World he was gone. He was lost on the 11th and got him back today the 16th. He was heavier than when he went too....so must have self entered or found something anyway. This was a direct result of paying a tenner and registering him with the IBR! A fellow Falconer had been looking for his Birds for Weeks and got a tip via local Radio
  4. I would LOVE to put an order in for a Finnish Gos, anybody got any suggestions where I would be best to go and the advisable sex to go for....PM's welcome. Strictly for HUNTING not playing with. I am planning right now to fly 2 Harris Hawks, a male and a female, not in a cast, seperately but together. REALLY got the bug now!!
  5. Just a quick question Rickardo. You said he flies at about 1lb 61/2oz and you are going to bring him up to 1lb 7oz. Is that because once he has caught something he knows what to do and you can afford to put a little weight on him? I assume you had him fairly low to start hunting? He sounds a similar weight catagory to mine and mine isn't quite there yet. Jumping on a carcass when stationary and 'killing' it, but not yet chasing the Rabbit/Lure, what did you do?
  6. For now my Bird is called 'Lofty', only because when in the Forces, if we didn't know someones Name we just called them 'Lofty' as a starting point, until we knew their Name. He comes to the whistle anyway, but it is nice just to say "this is ...such and such" Anybody think up a nice Name?
  7. Hi Chris, Where can I see the set you have? Is there a Website I can visit to get specs etc? How old is the one you have??
  8. Thanks for the tip Millet. I fly him at just touching 1lb 43/4oz or 1lb 5oz and he responds well to the whistle at that. Any heavier than 1lb 53/4oz and he is a little slow and more ignorent.
  9. Being a newbie in Falconry, I don't want to argue the point too strongly. I do, however, keep other Animals which need to be 'on weight' and 'peak' at the right times. My understanding of conditioning and feeding etc is pretty good. With Falconry, as I understand it, the Weather influences the amount of energy from food a Bird uses, if the Bird is weathering it burns energy, if it is flying for long periods it burns energy. These Tables and examples given about nutrition etc are just guidelines. A Bird in the wild MAY eat once a Day after flying and hunting for it, if lucky they may find a c
  10. I am looking for a good second hand outfit for my Male Harris Hawk. It is getting to the point where I feel uncomfortable to let him follow on too far back from me, if that makes sense. He usually flies very close to me and sometimes flying on in front waiting for me...BUT when I see Magpies near him I am hoping he doesn't go after one and end up three Woods over from me!! Bells are handy close up...... To be 100% truthful I can't find an affordable new outfit. Unless anyone knows of a less expensive set to buy new? Please don't say "finding a good Bird is worth any amount of money", as t
  11. Shamo

    On Creance

    My MHH is flying free and flying well with very little hesitation when I whistle. He follows on through quite thick Tree Lines and a nice distance until I whistle him again. If I take him out for an hour or so he only spends about 5 Minutes, in total, on my Glove, for a morsel and to know when his Jesses are held he can't fly. I hold him close to my chest when I don't want him to fly and I have the Jesses, I hold him out full length of my Arm when I want him to fly. Hopefully when hunting he will be in a Tree or Hedgeline. Today he flew low into a Hadge through the middle of a Field, I thoug
  12. Shamo


    That puts a different 'tak' on it Millet. I am not experienced enough yet to make that sort of decision, maybe when I learn to read my Bird and learn his tactics. It seems there is a split between more than one Bell in more than one location and just one Bell on either the Leg or the Decks................clear as mud....lol. I think I will stick with the Leg until I get my Telemetry Set in the new Year. Then I think I will keep the Legs clean and just have one on the Decks. Cheers for the input.
  13. Shamo


    Just want some advice on Bells. I am planning on hunting with my MHH...what else would I do!?....anyway I was wondering what was everbodys thoughts on location and amount of Bells to put on? I put a Lahore Bell on his left leg above anklet with a Bewitt. I was planning on getting hold of him again and put a Tail Bell on instead, with a Plectrum. Is it worth putting a Bell on his Tail or on the Leg? How many would you put on, one on each Leg, One on Leg and one on Tail, or just one on either the Tail or the Leg? Tips appreciated.
  14. Shamo

    On Creance

    Flew Bird today at 1lb 53/4oz. He flew FREE the whole session! Went up into Trees etc and came down to the Glove well. He was a little distracted by Crows mocking him and little Hedge Sparrows flying around, but he came every time. Finished with a short 20ft flight from the Perch to the Glove and let him eat 3/4 a DOC. Gave him 2 DOC's to bring his weight down a little more to see if he will react to the Rabbit/Lure, as he wouldn't again today. I will have to remember that as he gets more muscular the weight may stick on him, will watch his reactions and give him a 'feel' now and then to chec
  15. Shamo

    On Creance

    Took Bird out again this morning. Left him until about 10.30 today, because I knew I would be trying the Lure and a whole Rabbit. I weighed him and he was 1lb 6oz again. I thought he might of levelled out OK. I tried him with the Lure/Rabbit, he was a little scared of it moving along in front of him. He flew away from it at one point! I stopped it and just flew him to the Glove from a Perch. He came instantly a few times increasing the distance on the Lure. I got further and further away, past the end of the Lure. I figured it was getting silly and had to take the plunge. Unclipped the Creance
  16. Shamo

    On Creance

    Flew Bird this morning at 1lb 6oz dead on. He was very good, in my opinion, came instant off ground, out of low Branch and off a set of Football Goal posts. Done all 3 couple times each, he ate 21/2 DOC's during flying, finishing with a good 3/4 of a Chick. The Creance was loose on the Ground at full length, I just flew him around it on the Footbal Pitch if you get my drift. To all intents and purposes he was free, with me having that little 'back up'. The main thing was it was all instant response to whistle and shout of his Name. Seemed pretty good with traffic along main road, not so good w
  17. Shamo

    On Creance

    Thanks for tip. I don't find any Lead after it has been shot with a .223...lol. Don't have to gut them much either!!...lol. I weighed him at his usual feed time of around 8.30am -9.30am, he was 1lb 7.98oz. Far too heavy as it turns out, for flying anyway. I tried him at half length of Creance came instantly, tried him full length and again came instantly, both times to whistle. Tried him then at just past end of Creance, not interested after having a couple bits of DOC. Flew up into small Tree. I went to get him and he flew down at about 6 ft, to my Fist. I finished off by getting him to come
  18. Shamo

    On Creance

    Was told to let him have a whole Rabbit today, in his Weathering, on his Perch. I went out the other night and got a few with the Rifle. I left him go until 12 noon, which is about 3 Hours later than normally fed. I was anticipating a little hesitancy....he dived right onto the Head end, I was quite taken aback and jumped a little. I was also pretty chuffed, the way he was 'killing' it and giving it a good going over! I am walking past him to get him used to me being around on a kill. He first off started protecting his kill, now he seems more relaxed with me there watching him. I will let him
  19. Shamo

    On Creance

    Thanks for replies and advice. I had him out again this morning, flying at 1lb51/2oz. He is now coming the full length of Creance off the ground and on a Post, about 50 ft, with little if any hesitation. I want to introduce the Rabbit Lure this Week before I fly him free......BUT unless I lengthen the Creance I am going to have to let him fly...FREE.....soon! Better get his weight spot on, or will be bringing home just a Creance!!!.....lol.
  20. Still available..........nearly 7 Months old, done nothing, Kenneled with another Terrier, well socialised, brought up on IAMS complete Dog food and flesh, lively bold Pup, older Nuttall x Max Buck bred, nice size, black with a Copper cast...........£150 and can meet on M5,M42,M1 this weekend coming. Meant to say he is rough/long flat Coated Dog. Nobody has been to see him or make an offer. A well bred prospect going begging here fellas.
  21. Thanks for the 'heads up' but he is coming on OK. Just put up a Post, in the 'general falconry' section, about how he is getting on......thanks again.
  22. Shamo

    Where to fly

    I already work Terriers to ground and have a Lurcher, so in the nice position of having Land to hunt on. I would not dream of going on ground without permission with the Terriers, ESPECIALLY with the political climate being what it is in this millenium! Exercising a Hawk is fine, but when you are actually hunting with it then that is illegal. I am not too sure of 'trespass' laws, but we also have a 'right to roam' now. I wouldn't get too worked up about permission mate, landowners like to see the novelty of a Hawk hunting, it will come. I have 9,500 Acres to Hunt on, if you come unstuck come
  23. Shamo

    On Creance

    I have heard of Harris Hawk males being out flying loose within 10 Days etc, etc. I have my first Harris Hawk flying on the Creance around 30 ft, had him since 6th December. He has been flying well inside about 20ft, I took him outside for the first time this morning, he was a little 'phased' by his new surroundings, but came after only a few seconds. He was on a wooden post in a Car Park with Traffic nearby and Trees all around. I tried him at 15 ft, but he was a little too distracted so went to 10ft for his first 'morsel', he came fine. I then moved out to 20ft and he came again, then moved
  24. Hi mate, sounds like we are close to each other in the training side of where our Birds are. I have had mine a Week now, from a guy who had him on the Glove eating for a few days. He is flying loose indoors about 20 feet to the Glove for me. He doesn't hesitate to come once he sees the chick rattling around in my Hand. I have him come to me about 6 times and then sit with him for an hour on my Fist and then put him in his weathering. In the evening he comes back in to watch telly for an hour. He is still a bit wild, but don't want him too tame. Good luck with yours mate.
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