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Everything posted by Shamo

  1. ALWAYS STORE RE-CHARGEABLES FULLY CHARGED, AFTER BEING ALLOWED TO FULLY DISCHARGE...................Not doing effects the Battery life, even Lithium ones, I was told by a Battery specialists.
  2. I know two different guys that the collars wouldn't hold the charge or charge and have just been told by another man on here, had the same problem. A fella I do a bit with bought the new collar and box and had nothing but problems with it sent it back, still wasn't right and sold it on for £100. I know two different guys that the collars wouldn't hold the charge or charge and have just been told by another man on here, had the same problem. A fella I do a bit with bought the new collar and box and had nothing but problems with it sent it back, still wasn't right and sold it on for £100.
  3. I know two different guys that the collars wouldn't hold the charge or charge and have just been told by another man on here, had the same problem. A fella I do a bit with bought the new collar and box and had nothing but problems with it sent it back, still wasn't right and sold it on for £100. I know two different guys that the collars wouldn't hold the charge or charge and have just been told by another man on here, had the same problem. A fella I do a bit with bought the new collar and box and had nothing but problems with it sent it back, still wasn't right and sold it on for £1
  4. My apologies Zilverhaze, the first two lines of the last reply was for you and the rest for whoever cares.....lol. The B&F systems on too many occasions have made heroes out of, if pushed harder, Terriers which are curs. Another Topic I know, but sort of goes with expectations.
  5. Zilverhaze..............when I said they were waiting hours for her to come out, that was collectively. In the same way they spent hours waiting in the Vets.........They used to take her Vets some times with the slightest injury, it was a Family Pet Home. I thought I wouldn't need to explain all that. I have also known Terriers, over many years, who wouldn't stay to be dug to, once the Shovel was being used and they were being pushed around. Also pre B&F it took more than an hour sometimes to get a decent mark and find your Terrier, especially on Fence Lines, under Pylons and numerous oth
  6. I don't know why you come on here either.......you have learnt feck all and contributed a lot less Undertaker, I don't need sticking up for mate...........some show their level of knowledge and EXPERIENCE and it also shows some can't read carefully and deliberate the information provided. Each to their own and standards vary, both in Dogs and Men.
  7. Sounds like you need a bit more experience and to catch on with the scenario I described. Read the Post again, especially the bit about waiting for her to come out. How long do you expect a Dog to do below ground, do you put a figure on it? Maybe you would have been one of those guys who'd make a hero out of her. Facts are facts, she wouldn't stay until dug to, but come out in the condition as if she had done hours. Trust me Fireman I knew what a good dog was back then, as well as being able to know when a dog had jibbed.
  8. Lee, While I can see your Heart is in the right place, I wondered whether you have thought about what you intend to do? I am one of those guys who lives in the real World, I wonder how long it would take to fill all the Animal Shelters in the Country, never mind your area. A failed Terrier, especially, is a liability to be a Family Pet, whether he has his nuts or not. I can tell you a story about when I tried to do the right thing many Moons ago, I hasten to add, because my Mrs forced me to!! Part of my trying to become a softer person....... I had a well bred Russell, which took a hiding du
  9. "I keep myself to myself"...............there's a phrase I have heard and read many times over the years. Coming sometimes from guys in Mags, Books, winning or competing in the more higher profile Shows, Judging at big Shows, Travelling around the country digging, along with some who have pictures of Dogs all over here!........I think I do quite well keeping "myself to myself" ....lol. A bit like nobody has ever heard of 'The Dealer'....lmao.
  10. I have had Pups out of Terriers, which have done thousands of hours below ground between them, be not bothered about going to ground until seeing the job done and a bit of baying NOT BAITING at the end with a rag if they want to at the very end. I don't encourage or push Pups to go in empty places and they also spend several digs chained up too. A Pup can be anything up to18 months to 2 years old. Edited to say, sorry for going off topic, good luck sorting whatever out.
  11. Unless you are keeping them, the Vet will only do something when they are older anyway, so the new owners will be responsible. You are obliged to point it out to them though, as a decent person would. Breeding.........lovely part of the job..yuk! cut the Cords yourself, in the future, will help cut down on Hernias.........the curse of a maiden or rough female.
  12. In that case I don't know anyone worth knowing with Sealyhams....lol. I know a few guys with the crosses, but none sell as a rule.
  13. Yes it was Hitchcock and yes they were Sealyhams, around the early to mid 20th Century they were REALLY popular, several famous people had them. You Tube 'My Sealyhams', a fella in Devon who has a Rat/Rabbit pack of Sealyhams. Have a chat with him.........he doesn't sell to guys in to Terriers as a rule though and his KC ones are around £1,500. Very knowledgeable and has had 'other' Terriers way back when and been there and done it. Originally from Kent and he's called Harry.
  14. A Badgers 'territory' is usually only around 3 Miles Radius of it's Home. Some young and old can venture further, certain times of the year AND scars could be likely. They are not the cute and cuddly Teddy Bear when they don't want to be. However any found much more than that would suggest a Taxi ride..lol. The Press aren't they lovely!? Dezzy got caught with one in his Lorry though, but then I suspect it was to give one of his Show Dogs a few uh hum 'Rosettes'. I remember what I was thinking when I heard about it!! There is no place in digging for Baiting and those that do are not 'Terrier Me
  15. Years ago several things used to work. Now we have built on so much land, with Housing and rural Industrial Units and obviously Barn conversions etc. I doubt there is much that works to deter Pests like Foxes. Particularly, Human odours, with the advancement of Weatherproof clothing for walkers and busy bodies with their mutts running around, the opening up of Bridle Paths, Green Lanes and Rambling routes also makes the Country side less wild. I saw a clip once where the guy was trying to get rid of a Fox trying to kill Chickens in front of him, with his dog giving it welly too. It took a whil
  16. I know a guy who started his whole Stud with 4 totally unrelated Birds, paired them up the first year and had 27 young and then swapped and changed and paired things up again, including unflighted and had close to 50! He can still keep going, breeding without inbreeding, you don't need a lot to get going. Surplus stock pays for feed and ancillaries. A new Hen or Cock will keep him going for several years more. Like someone said you need to plan for future stock. I better add they are Canaries.
  17. I think it is more to do with the mentality of breeding, testing and culling hard, but as you say, even to the point of culling out the 'wrong' colours. Very similar to the American Gamefowl debates, they have been able to be used for their job for decades longer than the OEG. In some cases down to colour and station too, which can only be a good thing when looking for those qualities in your Gamefowl. I guess the Internet, again, has brought the Jagd out of the shadows....lol. I understand and can see your points mate.
  18. I don't want to go into it too much, it's several Pages worth of writing....lol. However, sometimes it is better for a Terrier to allow things to settle and give a little space and only get to grips when necessary. A full on Terrier, who forces things all the time, can make the prey want to keep running around and not stay in a stop end. Some Terriers do themselves no favours and with use we hope they learn.
  19. Just don't get too carried away with thinking the Jagd is the result of selecting, breeding, testing, culling, selecting, breeding, testing, culling etc.............IT WAS. These are different times and they have gotten into the Hands of Breeders, lets say, less focussed. I may well own a Jagd one day, but I would not be the best person to own one, I want Terriers for digging...............they are prized for their diversity. The Jagds I have seen go are a little too keen and a dig can be made longer by a Terrier who keeps pushing it's prey around. I have been researching for a few years now a
  20. You may also notice the arse end is swollen, if you look side on it hangs down more the closer to laying they get. They will lay even if just on scratch feed, companies make fortunes telling us otherwise.
  21. Is that true? Yes it is, as far as the guys who took on the Jagd project, one of Hitlers Teams visions. Another Team were also trying to create a wilderness for wild and some extinct Animals to be brought back to hunt.
  22. The originators of the Jagd Terrier would be having Kittens and send you to Aushwitz if they knew they were being crossed and if there were any colours other than black and Tan.......lol. The Men were part of the Hitler team of Geneticists...................and as we all know culling of non Aryan individuals wasn't an issue....lmao.
  23. I have seen a few go and the ones I have seen are not really suitable for digging Badgers on a regular basis......for me. The style of a Terrier is personal choice, but I need a Terrier able to be there in a stop end and also not in sick bay for 5 weeks after. They get to grips a lot and have a high prey drive........more suited to some of the younger fellas on here I suspect. I don't like breaking through mid tube to two fighting Animals and I want to be confident the Terrier is able to stay with it for half hour or half a day. I could right a page on the pros and cons of certain styles of di
  24. One bit of advice I was given from a few guys was..........don't take on a young un-entered prospect, unless the guy he came from has hammered In the obedience and socialised it well. I was told to take on a Baby Pup and take the time to obedience train it and socialise.
  25. There are two Breeders of Jagds in this Country, who openly sell their stuff that I know of. One guy charges £500 per Pup and the other £650-£750 for a Dog Pup and more for a female. One seems to favour them for their 'on top' abilities and one more so their underground work. As has been said you need to be careful when you go to buy Pups, as some are used more for 'on top' and they seem quite large and bulky. Some used exclusively for digging are very similar to Lakeys and Patt's in size. Do your own research and take your time. May even be worth downloading a couple of Internet translation t
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