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About Toka

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    North West - Near to Southport

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  1. yes...happy birthday mate!!!! atb
  2. Sorted now thatnks to Taffey...very humble member who was as good as his word, and i wouldnt hesitate to use again!!! all the best and thanks Taffey!! will post up any of our succeses using this collar... atb
  3. hi, wil empty thanks space now.....
  4. Anyone with a spare MK3m ferret collar that they don't need let me know. Not sure if the MK3 and the MK3m ones can both be used with the MK3m box?? atb
  5. am looking for a mk3 collar if you do decide to split! atb
  6. Could we convince any anit's to flood the area where these mink are?? Once the cows run out they will be hungry again? Crackin post though!!!! atb
  7. Just had my S410 tested by my local police. Mine has had the original grub screw changed for one that would make it possible for me to up the power if I want it. If I did that I would have to add it to my FAC by way of variation. They tested it and it was below 12ftlbs, I am collecting it this week. I was told that the fact it can be altered matters not at all...as most air rifles can be altered whether easily or with a bit of effort. The offence is committed if when they test it it is over the 12ftlbs mark. You are not in posession of an FAC air rifle if it is under 12ftlbs but could be
  8. lol...you mentioned it Steviemann!!! just thinking about making an artificial earth. About 120 yards from the sheds on my permission there is a mound of earth covered rubble next to a long ditch. Foxes used to be snared here regulalry as this was one place where they could get into the field without crossing the water. Spoke to the farmer and he is happy we try to build an earth there to see if we can lure and foxes in. I am thinking a v or u shaped tube, with a chamber somewhere in the middle. The mound is probably about 8 foot high in the middle and possibly 15-20 feet wide but fair
  9. Toka

    Ratting work

    lol....i think she has..Lost's appetite has grown and she dont get a look in.... , getting a fair bit of work in too so that always helps!!!! atb
  10. Toka

    Ratting work

    http://youtu.be/7_pZqsaEXsY thanks for the invite!!! atb
  11. the pup isnt on the video but it will be a cracker...from good working stock. was half hoping to get a look at him myself the other day but it wasnt to be... atb
  12. there is a lad with one around Kiddeminster who was looking for a home last time i heard... atb
  13. there will be loads of differnet opinions....mine does all i want of it at the moment, no complaints will see what he is like to ground soon i hope.... bottom line is there are a good number of folk who use them and like the way they work, but as everything not everyones cup of tea and the man who bred them courted controversy so a lot of varied views.... if you, or anyone else, gets one from the right lines sure they wont be disapointed!! atb
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