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mushroom last won the day on February 18 2022

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About mushroom

  • Rank
    Professional Matadwarf
  • Birthday 18/06/1981

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  • Interests
    bunny bouncing, ferreting, anything that goes bang

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  1. mushroom


    Apart from NEWKID of course
  2. I can attest that Walloper has no paranoia at all. I've been sat in the van with D, whilst him and his kin were lighting up fields like it was a fuucking Star Wars film. No permission and about 100yrd from the farmers gaff
  3. Defo Latinos! I can hear them speaking Spanish and it's not just Mexicans, pretty sure I can make out central American accents too
  4. mushroom


    Bloody hell WILF, Fuucking serious belly laugh here mate
  5. Watched all seasons, the last one (Season 5) everybody dies and gets resurrected by Rainwater to work in the Maccie D's in his casino. The burgers come from the Yellowstone ranch
  6. That place has been on my list “to do” for a while now. Problem is, I hate the Example barrio. Full of cnuts
  7. And….. more like the olive fake prince! Bet you could sleep soundly on a bed a top an olive
  8. I live in the Argentinan capital of Europe lol we have Argie butchers too. Next time you’re over her for Spana’ check out a restaurant called “Patagonia” it’s a damn good steak and the rest (bangers, cirolla etc) There’s also a place further up the coast in Calella that does the full paradilla. ‘Kin amazing but still not a touch on a good old British braised beef and onions imo lol
  9. Yes, my dog! 11 gong on 2 and still charges across mountains and valleys trying to grab reds. If I was in Blighty he’d have made a damn good animal.
  10. Tell me how to get a straw off this cnut and I’ll ship it to ya. Wouldn’t mind a pup
  11. Is he feck! I get a plate of olives at least 3 times a day with my a beer lol
  12. That steak looks like them Findus frozen things from Farmfods
  13. Mortgage rates back then were mentally high. The interest rates were the issue.
  14. I think that’s a great idea Dotty. I’ve a couple of things I’d add to the thread mate
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