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half n' half

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Everything posted by half n' half

  1. is it .177 or .22? is it a beech or walnut stock? is it birmingham made or a later turkish one? is the scope/bag etc included? cheers, h n' h
  2. nice enough looking dog but not a scratch on him.throws pieds?
  3. nice enough looking dog but not a scratch on him.throws pieds?
  4. how many out of ten would you give it for alround condition?
  5. the volumetric silencer as used on the superten and lightning fits the spitfire.
  6. a bit more info wsould be good mate.what calibre? carbine or full length? does it have the silencer? a pic would be good too. location? would that be darlington? atb h n' h
  7. zini are you sure there isn't just a bit of debri stopping the valve closing,maybe pushed in when using the fill probe? this has happend a couple of times to me on differant FX rifles. it maybe because the FX guns don't come with a protective bung to fill the hole for the probe when not filling. its an easy fix,just quick strip and clean but of course the rifle must be EMPTY OF AIR before starting.
  8. it was nice to be back ratting again today with the old brothers.(pointers pointer and pointer cross lurcher also did a bit) we missed a good few but it is early days yet.
  9. out tonight and it was crap.wind,rain and not many rats at all.
  10. there's a few more to go with them.
  11. guess what? yeah we've been out again
  12. either will do the job fine mate.if you get a bottle it will need filling itself once in a while so if thats a hassle go with a pump.
  13. yeah we get plenty of heavy weights.the food supply is endless so they just keep growing.
  14. cheers mate,here's a few more plus ferrals.
  15. had a little break caused by crap weather but now we're back at it.
  16. i'd say game means sticking to the task till the job gets done whatever may happen.
  17. lovely gun fella. when i had my s410 i used air arms field 4.52 it was probably the most accurate gun i've had to date.
  18. still going pretty strong. with food aplenty there seems no end to these rats.
  19. have you tried reseting the drive cog (pawl) on the gun itself? i've often found this is all it takes.
  20. can you explain what problems you're having.is it with the indexing?
  21. try cocking the gun before you try to fill it with air.
  22. they're getting more scarce and harder to get now but we still had a decent night tonight.
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