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the cobra

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About the cobra

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Its not that were looking for a working terrier is just a case of looking there will be plenty of lads on here read the lurcher page dont mean they want a lurcher or airgun section the dont have a gun its just looking a still look at the lurchers haven kept lurchers for over 30 years until 2years ago but not looking to get any more mate
  2. Just lookinh through pets4 holmes looking at jack russels 2 adverts for a much wenlock miniture russels starting from 800 pounds up to 2500 pounds is this just crazy or am missing something here how as anybody got the brass neck yo ask these prices
  3. Cheers mate got the boxes out pets for holmes mate they have 3 sizes a think the were only about 20 quid each mate
  4. Thats the pups ready fit n healthy hopefully they will do well at the hunting
  5. That's cracking for a 22 mate at that range well done
  6. Great shooting mate is that sub 12 ft in 177 mate
  7. Well mate u never no if a ever do al let u know
  8. Cheers guys mite get a shot of one in the future and see what its all about
  9. Hi guys been shooting airguns for over 40 years but never evan held or shot with this gun why has it stood the test of time and it still commands a price that u could buy a new pcp airgun for how dus it compare against the likes of the s 410 or hw 100 what is it about these guns that a lot of guys have stuck buy them to the guys that own and shoot these guns or anybody with there opinion cheers
  10. Good mate but the shows in the eights were a lot better and had a lot more dogs than the shows now a days mate its a dying past time those are just good memories mate never to come back
  11. As a said sid showing is no really my thing nor was showing my lurchers when a run them mate a would much rather have a healthy well looked after dog no matter what it looks like mate but no harm ment to the show boys everybody likes different things from a dog but a do like going to the local shows for the crack if a put them in and win good but if they dont al no be disappointed mate is it Russells uv got mate and do u show them ?
  12. Al take them along to the local shows mate see how they do but showing is no realy my thing a like going along for the crack wi the boys as a kept lurchers for neary 40 years how do u think they would do in the ring ?
  13. Had the pups away getting a wee trim the day getting rid o the loose hair and a wee trim ready for the summer mite no be as warm running about now
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