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Everything posted by salukiboy

  1. interested in the black and tan dog pup. is it still for sale?
  2. get a blazerlite. but dont get a lightforce striker. went out lamping with mine and it set fire to me
  3. what [bANNED TEXT] mate your water pistol. yeh you go and drown them rabbits.LOL. dont forget to get a wash first :11:
  4. at least i dont shan me dogs up by taking them out lamping when they can hardly walk.lol. and why dont you go an inbred, an tell your granda to slow down or he will have a heart attack. an how many acres of land have you got? er NONE.oh yeh an you smell of B.O
  5. sez you you wanna be hunter. the only way you could kill somthing with that gun is smack it on the head with it. an as for ya big obese dog . dont get me started on that. and oh yeh, his dad works in selefield and he has a yellow glow around him. ripped
  6. not being funny but this gun is f****d. why do you think he is selling it so cheap?
  7. webley victor air rifle for sale. 22. rear sightis missing but overall a good littlie gun £50 ono
  8. i have 1 brinsea hatchmaker incubator for sale. it can fit upto 36 hen eggs in it. the turning is manual.i am looking for £100 ono. only used twice. pm for more info
  9. when do hen pheasants start and stop laying?which months do they lay in?
  10. yes you can feed pheasaants barley. the shoot i used to go to did and they had some great days there
  11. got any pictures of the parents. what fraction are the breeds in them?
  12. its usually out of sheer frustration. its most commonly found in collie crosses i have found
  13. just making a list of the stuff i need see you there
  14. exxxxxactly what i am getting it for. this might be the gun i come on the hunting trip that me and you are going on.lol.
  15. i have a whippet dog i can swap you? decent little dog but i understand if you dont want him
  16. i am interested. what percentage cross is she?
  17. top one is a sloughi and the bottom one is a smooth coated saluki
  18. for sure the bsa lightning. hell of a gun to start off with. not much can beat it for the quality of gun you get for sucha measly price. i rate this gun the best beginner springer on the market
  19. thanks will do that labsnlurchers. and if its crap i can blame it on you .lol. atb SB
  20. hello everybody. i am just writing to ask people what they think of the s200. i am thinking of getting one but would like to know more about them. thanks sb
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