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Everything posted by bedrock

  1. Its all revealed in his new DVD "Robbing days and p***y ways"....
  2. Shaggers, Pepole triping A pissed up bloke haveing a kip :alcoholic:
  3. Thanks for the replys.
  4. Good luck with the pups ali
  5. Ive had enough of being an all you can eat buffet for the local bugs so Im going invest in some repellent. What Types/brands do you recommend?
  6. Wind up But that pic and this post does not do fealdsports any good.
  7. Drop me a PM AngelicAcid Ill give you the book.
  8. Hello mate. No I haven’t been out with the gun now for a few months, between work and Being in and out of hospital I haven’t had time to scratch my ass But Things are looking up now so I might be able to do a bit in a week or two. Take care. John
  9. It looks like you’ve been busy pal. Some cracking humane shots as always straight in the noodle box. Atb John
  10. I know what you mean about the Jays/Black It does tend to stink ambit. I’m sure Trigene do an odourless disinfectant I don’t use it my self but I have heard nothing but good stuff about and its safe in the kennels etc. Or you could try something like this… http://www.tpms.co.uk/offers.htm
  11. I have my doubts about the vet theory. If it was a vet that did this The wound would have been stitched and fully healed before they let the little yank go. I don’t think anyone will get to the bottom of this but its an interesting tread none the less..
  12. If any ones looking for some good hardwiring boots have a look at these at £89 they are a steel. They are made in the same place and out of the same stuff as the blackislander boots so they should be quality http://www.fifecountry.com/PRODUCT_DETAILS.php?pid=980&cid=35
  13. bedrock


    Quality small folding knife Only used to open a few boxes as good as new. £30 posted pay pal only http://www.fallkniven.com/us-u2.htm
  14. bedrock


    Scooby. £20 Fox hunting on the Lakeland fells. By Richard Clapham £20 Badger digging with terriers. (1st edition) £35 Cock-fighting all over the world By C A Finsterbusch £35 £2 P&P Paypal only
  15. There are a few company’s that make them for mole trapping but I think they are two thin. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOLE-TUNNEL-PROBE-LOCATE-TUNNELS-AND-SET-TRAPS-/300434941445?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Weed_Pest_Control_CV&hash=item45f3516605 http://www.killgerm.com/product-group.php?group=848 https://www.theflatpack.co.uk/merchantmanager/index.php?cPath=6
  16. There are loads of stupid conspiracy’s like it was a set up to make the public anti fox because a possible repel is on the way that is down right insulting to the family of these little kids. Its unbelievable the how low those crazy feckers stoop. :sick: All terriermen who have been bitten know the pain from a fox bite so god knows what those little nippers have gone through. I hope they are ok.
  17. Iv used it for pups and they did well on it. But I was given two bags I wouldn’t buy the stuff Its costs too much. I think Hannah is Wright its not as good a raw and its less cost affective.
  18. I’m sceptical about most of the sightings reported but I’ve seen something before. This is the gods honest truth and it was witnessed by myself a good friend and a farm labourer. Me and a friend were shooting rabbits on a sheep farm in 1994 or 95 and as we were walking through a field we noticed a farm worker on his way home he suddenly stopped and he was staring at something in the distance my mate had a look through the scope of his air rifle and said your never going to feking believe this. I had a look through the scope and there was a big black cat casually walking across the fi
  19. I like him he has a certain swagger about him just like shaft
  20. bedrock


    It seems like a very high percentage of your cemetery rabbits have a heavy tapeworm burden pal. Not the most healthy of critters are they :sick: Some nice clean shots as always though Tony atb John
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