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mooge ok

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Everything posted by mooge ok

  1. hi lad as anyone got a pic of smokey he from boltan he was bred to fettle just want to see what he looks like thank
  2. nice dogs mate the kind i like they will be good on the fens by the way that dog are u going to use as a stud dog as my mate got a greyhound in session let me know wear u from mate ive got a bitch out of fettle x smokey mate
  3. hi lads just been on hardcorehunting and 2 lads been done for hare coursing thats bad new seeing its summer they are saying they wear rabbiting they wont know until thurday
  4. hi lads does anyone know who owns fettle she was one of the angels of the north and ran at the fen cheers
  5. night time and how old youre dog looks abount 8 mouths to me is it 3/4 deerhound gryhound mate it looks like my mates bitch
  6. ive got a 3/4 cross mate she 9mouth old and she not done nothing yet ive been rag her with rabbit skins and get her to bring back to hand and just started to get her jumping when i pickt her out of the litter ther was a wite dog with black eres and the women gos to al the shows with that i think it name merline
  7. nice pups mat bred them yourself
  8. hi broke try feedig youre dog for 2 days on bio yogt just couple of teaspoons full a day then give them bold chicken my bitch had it and a greyhound vet told me to do this it works
  9. if any got coco number i wound like them to pm me it i dont want disrepect any one as thers to many antis come on
  10. yes mate try that your pup still young yet let it grabe the ribbit skin and let it rag it then try get her bring to hand good luck with youre pup mate let use know how u get on
  11. i have 3 lurchers and staffy and they alwork
  12. coco is from duram area i think he had a bitch called fettle one of the angles of the north
  13. hi mate have u tryed a rabbit skin get a rabbit skin and tease youre dog with so the dog grabs it then tie the skin with some rope and tease her like mad then trainig her to fectch back mate it took me weeks with my bitch hope this will hep u mate
  14. iam from stoke on trent mate wear u from the cream bitch is out of fettle x smokey she had 4 hears the bitch on the right is derhound xgreyhound done r f h and the left one is 9mouths old done one rabbit
  16. high lads i after coco number iv herd he got some good fen dogs pm
  17. no iam breding this bitch for my self not for make money just wanted some ids what to put on her as ive herd deerhoud xgreyhound x whippet
  18. hi as anyone got a dog or a bitch out of smokey x fetlle and if so can u put a pic on thank
  19. hi ive got the 1999 foley and lucky the dark destroyer and 2001 foly and angels of the north mate on dvd pm
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